"Hey, Sam." She says walking out of the office in front of a confused Detective Bailey.

"Tara." She greeted and parted from Sam's embrace.

She looked behind Sam and frowned. "Mabel ?"

"Hi Kirby." She tried to lift the corners of her mouth in an awkward smile.

"What happened to you ? You're barely recognizable." She sighed with a smile before giving her a quick hug.

"So you're the FBI ?" Asked Sam.

"Mm mm." She nodded in response.

And Sam explained how they were in high school together. Mabel internally thanked Kirby for not mentioning the time she gave her a love letter after they met for the first time at the police station in 2011, when she was then only ten years old and she was eighteen.

Then Sam announces that she and Tara are leaving New York but Bailey stops them and Kirby tries to convince them to work together. But the two sisters storm outside without hearing the rest.

Mabel quickly followed them and pushed through the crowd. But someone stood out and made them turn around. She didn't recognize immediately then was sure if her eyes weren't so puffy she would roll her eyes.

Sam tried to hit her but she dodged the blow.

"Nice try sweetie. But I've done this dance before-" She got cut by Tara's fist right in her jaw.

"Stay away from us."

Mabel gasped and started to follow Sam towards the cab.

"Are you still mad at me ?" She asked in disbelief putting both hands in front of her.

The two sisters turned around again and Mabel a little later as well because she was starting to see everything in slow motion.

"You said you wouldn't write a book about what happened. And then you write a book about what happened." Sam spat at Gale who scoffed.

"Oh, come on. Someone was going to write about it. It's what I do !" She justifies herself by rolling her eyes.

"Yeah that's what you do all the time Gale." Mabel muttered from behind Sam crossing her arms.

The woman softens her gaze as she sees what once was like a niece to her.

"After everything we went through together. What would Dewey think ?" Sam says looking at Gale in the eye.

"That's a low blow." She said shaking her head. And Mabel felt bad for Gale, she could hear she was hurt just by her voice.

"So was your book." She retorted offended.

"You called Mabel "a disobedient child" and "unable to stand still."

Tara opened her mouth slightly and ran her tongue inside her cheek and turn to Mabel to be sure she heard the same thing as her. Mabel turned to her but her face didn't move an inch. Yes, it was too swollen. All she could do was pull Tara's sleeve silently to let her know she had heard too.

"She was ! She disobeyed me ! And that's almost killed her !"

"She's not a damn dog ! What were you thinking leaving her alone like that !"

"It's okay just-" Mabel took Sam's shoulder cautiously.  "Come on."

Sam turned sideways to look at her before immediately followed her. And Tara smirked as she followed them.

"I talked to your mother Mabel !"

She turned around before even the two sisters. "Is she okay ? How is everyone ?"

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