Chapter 2 Is it too late already?

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she kept looking at the screen hoping for a response





Still nothing........

But they should have called us the give an update.........

This is weird......

She looks down before the Octo alert goes of but it quickly stops



She looks at the Octo alert before Sighing

Maybe there's more happiening......

She looks down again when she hears a beep from the screen she looks up to see The Gup S broken and alone


But if it crash...............Then where did they Go???????????????

She looks at the screen but it shows no sign of them

Still no sign But I found the gup

Which means They are gone......

Maybe They'lll be ok?

She looks back to see another Brincle ANOTHER??????? BUT THEY"RE ALONE

They could die.......We need to find them

She sounds the Octo Alert

Octonauts to the Launch bay!!!!!!!!

A weak alarm noise goes of as we see them going to the Launch bay


Too much to count you see Captain, Tweak, Kwazii and Peso went out in the Gup s to check out a Brincle we saw on the radar


Yes I was telling them where to go when I lost Communications to them I was gonna give up after that but then I saw the Gup s on the Radar but it was broken and alone...............

So they're GONE?????????????????

Yes That's why I call you all we need to find them before those Brincles do

I thought there was one?

No there's 2 and more may come

So were all going to have to go to find them Ok Octonauts lets do this??????????????

They headed off as she paused

I hope they made it out of the gup unharmed.........................

She looked at the Launch bay pool then back at the Screen

I just Hope.............

She looks sad as she starts getting supplies

The screen then changes to the ice cold ocean where we see the Four missing Octonauts

Are you sure this is the right way?

Yeah I thought we were going after thosr Brincles????

We will it's just not safe to go with the gup s out of commission

But we have no other Gup that can withstand the temperatures of this place

Well that's not entirely true we do have another one that can technically do the same things as a Gup s we gave it away to Natquak

So then how we supposed to stop them???

I Don't know but I'm sure we can think of something once we get back to the Octopod

Uh Cap I might be able to make a temporary Gup that we can use to navigate these Waters but I just don't know how quick I can make it with these dangerous temperatures damaging The Octopod and all.....

That might work Tweak

But Tweak said it would take time I don't know if we have that time Captain.....

And if we do our chances of survival our low

We're just going to have to take a chance Octonauts it's worth trying instead of just giving up

Okay if you really think it's going to work....

So Tweak how much time are we looking at?

I don't no it depends on the conditions of the Octopod and on The Octopod

Well then let's not waste time Octonauts

They continued moving through the harsh Waters it was freezing, there were dangerous creatures around every corner and the conditions were even more worse with the brinicles but they had to keep persevering they knew they couldn't leave these creatures here and they knew they couldn't leave themselves here to die after all it was their job to help all creatures no mad at the conditions or circumstances

The scene changes back to the Octopod where we see them trying to find the right gups to navigate the dangerous Icy Terrain but they had no luck without the gup s they had no way to get to the others without freezing themselves to death

How are we supposed to find them if none of the equipment we have will get us to them without causing ourselves to die!!????

I don't know maybe if-

Suddenly something smashed when they turned around they saw the four of them swimming up from the Launch bay pool they were shivering and wer but at least they were alive

CAPTAIN, PESO, KWAII, TWEAK!!!! You guys made it back!!!!

Yeah I thought we lost you four

Are you guys okay?

We're okay just a little bit cold but that's about it

So you didn't get hurt from the wreckage?

I don't think so

Well that's a relief

Are you guys sure that you are okay?

Yeah we just need a little bit of time to rest

But what about the Gup S don't we have to go back for it?

We do but we have bigger problems than finding the Gup s and retrieving it

Yes we know the Brincles

Not that there's more going on out there everything seems to be frozen and none of the creatures seem too surprised about the ice they seemed more concerned about us and then anything

But Brincles are deadly why would they not be scared about that?

I don't know but we have a lot of time to figure it out with us being trapped here and all

But didn't you say you could make the Gup quick Tweak?

I did but I didn't necessarily say the conditions were right just look at this place how am I supposed to make us a getaway vehicle in this place

She has a point Kwazii and it's only going to get worse within time which means we may never get out of here

I wouldn't say that we might have a slight chance to get out but it's going to be risky Cap

I don't care what it is we need to get out of here and save these creatures

But we could-

Tweak I told you I do not care what the risks are getting us all the safety is important no matter what we have to give up in the process so please tell us what we could do and we will do it no matter what happens

Uh um Ok if you really think that it's the only way Cap.......

They stared at her as she proposed her idea

Ok So what we have to do is-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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