Karkat Vantas!

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1- He is greyromantic and obsessed with romance. He has ADHD and hyperfixates on the quadrants. He usually tries to hide his interest but he feels comfortable discussing quadrants with Nepeta.

2- When they first created Earth C, Karkat and Dave used to watch MLP with Dirk (Dirk dragged everyone he could into his interests). Karkat and Dave would occasionally watch the show together in memory of dirk. (Candy timeline)

3- Karkat always plays dumb when people (besides Dave) flirt with him because he's too afraid of rejecting people.

4- His untreated self-loathing problem led to him having social anxiety and eventually, agoraphobia. Karkat avoids going outside and always does his best to avoid having to leave his respriteblock. (Meat timeline)

5- He has commitment issues because deep down he feels like everyone will leave him because of his blood color, he often pushes people away in fear because of this. 

6- He puts up his loud-tough act up around everyone but he has a soft spot for Dave and Nepeta (and sometimes John) and is calm around them.

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