7: Letitia Wright

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Y/N and Letitia Wright met at a coffee shop in Los Angeles. Y/N was waiting in line to order her favorite latte when she overheard Letitia talking about her favorite book series to the barista. Y/N was a fan of the series too, and they struck up a conversation. They bonded over their love for reading and their favorite authors.

After ordering their drinks, they sat down at a table and continued chatting. They talked about their favorite books, movies, and TV shows. They also discovered that they both loved hiking and exploring new places. They exchanged numbers and made plans to go on a hike together the following weekend.

On the day of the hike, they met up early and drove to a nearby trail. They spent the day admiring the beautiful scenery and taking in the fresh air. They talked about their families, their jobs, and their goals for the future. They also shared their favorite hiking tips and tricks.

After the hike, they were both hungry and decided to try a new restaurant nearby. They enjoyed a delicious meal and continued their conversation. They talked about their favorite foods and their favorite places to eat in Los Angeles.

As they spent more time together, Y/N and Letitia became the best of friends. They cherished each other's company and supported each other through thick and thin. They laughed, cried, and shared their hopes and dreams. They knew they had found a true friend in each other, and they felt grateful for the day they met at the coffee shop.

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