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"What even is the Arachno-Human Pole-Thing anyway?" I ask LYLA, chewing on a warm chicken empanada. I sit at a small table in the cafeteria, a heaping plate of food in front of me.

I had only eaten breakfast at "Malik's Brew" the day before, so when I woke up this morning, my empty stomach rumbled vigorously. Luckily, HQ has an entire kitchen full of robots that prepare fresh meals.
I earn stares from multiple spiderpeople passing through the cafeteria, all of them dressed in their respective suits. I suppose casual day isn't a thing here, judging on how the interdimensional heroes examine my jeans and hoodie.

I notice that each spiderperson is unique in one way or another, and that their individuality is reflected through their costumes. The suits appear to be made of spandex, some adorned with extra accessories and gadgets.

I sink my teeth into an arepa, savoring the warm beef and cheese. For unauthentic food prepared by robotic chefs, this breakfast isn't half bad.
LYLA hovers with her legs crossed in the chair across from me, as if sitting down.

"To put it simply, the Arachno-Humanoid Poly-Multiverse is a multiverse that consists of alternate universes." She explains matter-of-factly, eyeing my tasty arepa.

She sighs, her eyebrows creased.
"Sometimes I hate being AI." LYLA reflects, a sad smile spread across her digital features.
I would feel bad, but damn, this arepa is hitting.
She diverts her gaze from my hearty breakfast.

"So, like, does that mean there's a variant of me out there with a perfect life?" I question slyly, pretending to only be partly indulged in the conversation.
The idea of me, but not me, leading a pampered life of relaxation and joy makes my stomach twist into knots.
A mother, father, maybe even siblings. A family dog. A warm kiss planted on my forehead every night before I fall asleep. The very thought makes me sick to my core.

I suppose these are simply the cards I've been dealt.
I realize I've been mindlessly eyeing the scrambled eggs on my plate for a concerning amount of time. My gaze snaps back up to meet LYLA. She doesn't appear to have noticed.

"It depends on what you classify as a 'perfect life', but yes, I suppose so." LYLA tells me.
I nod, swallowing my envy.

"What a surprise, the multiverse isn't pinned against me! At least one variant of me gets a decent life." I observe sarcastically.

"How do the spiderpeople travel between dimensions? It sounds complicated." I ask, my mouth full.
A middle aged, unmasked spiderman walks past our table, waving hello to LYLA kindly. He doesn't give me an odd look. In fact, he hardly even notices my presence.

"Peter, come here." LYLA beckons, motioning for him to stand closer to the table.
I set down my arepa and wipe my mouth with a napkin. 
"This is Evangelina. She's from this dimension, and is now the second spiderperson of Earth 928, after Miguel." LYLA introduces me.
Peter nods his head, reaching his hand out for a handshake. I shake his hand cordially, smiling up at him.

"Peter, why don't you show Ms. Espinosa here your watch?" The AI woman suggests, pointing to the gadget attached to the man's wrist.

With that, Peter reaches his arm out, revealing a square, digital watch.

"This little doohickey gives us the ability to travel across the multiverse with the press of a button. It also prevents us from glitching out in universes we don't belong to." He elaborates, pointing out various buttons on the side of the watch. My eyebrows raised, I examine the contraption, confused as to how a simple gadget can open up portals to other dimensions.
Peter's eyes light up, suddenly remembering something important. He retracts his arm from my view.

 ❛ 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❜ ━ miguel o'haraWhere stories live. Discover now