"I wish to go to my room" I pouted, frustrated that my wished where being ignored.

"You can go back to your room when you've eaten your dinner" Uncle Collin stated as he continued his meal.

"I'm not going to eat it" I stated, crossing my arms determinedly.

"Charlotte" Uncle Collin warned "we do not wish to argue with you and nor do we wish to give your father a negative report of your behaviour when he returns" he explained.

"Then don't bother" I said sharply through scrunched eyebrows.

"Charlotte Bridgerton" Uncle Benedict said in a raised voice "stop talking back to your uncle and eat your dinner" he chastised. Yep. I really dislike this uncle Benedict.

"No" I replied furiously "I don't have to do what you tell me to" I stated as I stood up and began to stomp out of the dining room.

"Excuse me young lady where do you think your going?" I heard my uncle Colin ask but I gave him no reply and bolted out the room.

I ran to the very bottom of our generously large garden and didn't stop until I came to the large willow tree, taking solace underneath the long droopy branches that where sure to hide me from the rest of the world. I just want my papa.

I sat down on the leaf covered floor and absently began to play with some of the fallen leaves. After around twenty minutes I noticed my stomach give a slight rumble making me grimace. If only I hadn't refused to eat my evening meal. I wouldn't be hungry then, but here I am. Hungry and most certainly in trouble. I'm not allowed to talk to anyone that way let alone my uncles! Papas going to be furious.

"Charlotte" I heard a voice cry in the distance "Charlotte if your hiding this isn't very funny" the voice continued.

I held my breath and prayed that I would remain unseen. The footsteps moved around the garden and grew closer and closer to where I was taking shelter. I heard the footsteps stop at the edge of the thick curtain of leaves I was hiding behind and gasped when a brown pair of boots came in to view. Before I has time to react a hand grabbed hold of my upper arm and pulled me through the branches. I looked up to meet the furious eyes of my Uncle Benedict who pointed furiously towards the house.

"Inside and straight to your room. Now" he ordered making my eyes widen. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before. At least not at me. I didn't need to be told twice.

I took off towards the house and ran up the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me. Once I reached my room I was quick to close the door behind me and jumped on to my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. I didn't mean to be disrespectful, I just wanted to stay in my room. Now my Uncle is certain to put me over his knee and that is a thought that makes me wriggle uncomfortably on my bed. I know from previous experience that a spanking from Uncle Benedict would leave you sitting uncomfortably for the rest of the week!

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door and before I could answer my Uncle Benedict came straight in.

"Come here Charlotte" he ordered as he sat down on the soft bench at the end of my bed. I did as I was told and solemnly made my way towards my uncle. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked as I awkwardly shuffled from foot to foot.

"I didn't mean to b-" I began to whisper but I was cut off by a hand gently cupping my chin and raising it to meet my uncles eyes.

"Speak up and look at me when you are talking" he instructed softly.

"I didn't mean to be disrespectful" I repeated "I just didn't feel like eating my dinner" I explained.

"As I said earlier, I understand that you miss your father, but that by no means gives you the excuse to behave the way you did" he lectured "and not only where you disrespectful to myself and your uncle, you left the table without permission and hid for half an hour" he scolded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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