Miss Greenway

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Charlottes POV (5 Years Old)

"Come along now Miss" my governess urged as she kept up a stead pace away from the Serpentine,

"Could we please stay a little while longer?" I asked with puppy eyes,

"Not today child" she shook her head "your father wishes to talk to you about something important" she added making me sigh,

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes for the sat of his only daughters happiness" I replied matter of factly,

"If the weather sees fit we'll come back tomorrow with some bread for the ducks" she suggested as I stopped dead in my tracks,

"I don't want to come tomorrow" I exclaimed "I'm already here" I added tearfully,

"Charlotte that is enough" she scolded "now unless you would like to see yourself doing lines when we return then I suggest you re take my hand and come along home" she said firmly but I shook my head making her hiss and look around to be sure there where no onlookers. She reached forward and grabbed my upper arm making me wince, I could feel the sharp edges of her nails make indents in my soft skin and tears escaped my eyes. "Right you little brat" she hissed "not a word until your home" she warned as she began to pull me along behind her,

"Stop" I whimpered "please" I exclaimed,

"Miss Greenway" a familiar sounding voice said from behind us causing my governess to let go of the vice like grip she had on my upper arm,

"Uncle Collin" I sobbed as I ran over to him and threw my arms around his waist "make her stop" I sobbed,

"What exactly has my niece done that warrants such actions?" He asked Miss Greenway as he held me close to him and rested a comforting hand on my head,

"Mr Bridgerton" she said as she chocked on the air around her "Charlotte-that is to say the young Miss Bridgerton-was refusing to come home when I had told her repeatedly it was time to do so" she tried to defend,

"And that warrants the bruise I am certain to find on her arm?" He challenged,

"Of course not" she shook her head "but I'm sure you can understand tha-" my uncle cut her off before she could continue,

"I understand that you let your temper get the better of you" he snapped "now I'm going to take my niece home and I expect you to follow shortly" he explained "I'm certain my brother will want to speak with you" he added and Miss Greenway visibly shrunk back "let's get you home" he said in a softer tone as he picked me up and carried me on his hip "are you hurt?" He asked me gently as he reached up and wiped some of my tears away with his thumb,

"My arm hurts a little but it's not that bad" I sniffled and he gave me a soft smile,

"We'll get you some cake as soon as we return" he suggested "how does that sound?" He asked and I nodded,

"Ok" I agreed.

Ten minutes later we where ascending the front steps to Bridgerton House and the front door was opened by our butler who had obviously seen us coming,

"Mr Bridgerton we-" Uncle Collin cut him off,

"Where is Lord Bridgerton?" He asked immediately,

"I believe he is in his office sir" he replied "should I fet-" but before he could continue Collin had already walked away and was carrying me towards my papas office. He put me back on to the floor before knocking on the door and my papas voice soon spoke it's reply,

"Colin" he said surprised before his eyes flicked over to me "whatever's the matter?" He asked concerned as he stood up and walked straight over to me and bent down to my level,

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