It's No Fun Being Little

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Lottie's POV (6 Years Old)

"It's unfair papa" I exclaimed as I sat across from my father at the breakfast table "why can't I go along as well?" I asked.

"You're too young my darling" he replied "when you're older I'm certain they would be grateful for you to join them on their little shopping trips" he added making me sigh.

"It's not my fault I'm only little" I said sadly,

"How about you go and find one of your uncles?" Papa suggested "I'm sure Gregory would be happy to play with you" he added. I let out a sad little sigh before sliding off of my chair and disappearing off to find my Uncle Gregory.

I walked up the stairs and towards his bedroom, which was only a few doors away from my room in the nursery.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously once I had let myself in to his room and walked over to his desk.

"Latin" he replied sharply, not bothering to lift his eyes from the book in front of him.

"Will you play with me?" I asked hopefully,

"I'm busy" he replied, still not bothering to meet my gaze.

"But everyone else has gone to the modiste and I'm not allowed because I'm too little" I told him glumly.

"Well you're too little to help me and I'm too busy to play" he snapped. I blinked the tears away before they could fall from my eyes.

"Just for a little while?" I asked hopefully. He finally put his pen down on the desk and snapped his head in my direction. I though he was going to agree to my suggestion...but I wasn't that lucky.

"I already told you no Lottie!" He said with a frown "get out" he demanded. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks as I turned around and ran from his room feeling very sorry for myself. How could he be so mean to me?

"Lottie?" I heard a voice call from a room I had just passed by. I turned around and walked back over to the open doorway and peeked inside to see my Uncle Benedict "what's the matter sweetheart?" He asked with a confused frown. He set down his sketch pad and pencil before gesturing for me to come and sit with him.

"Everyone went to the modiste and I'm not allowed to go because I'm too little" I sobbed "so papa told me to go and find Uncle Gregory to see if he wanted to play. But when I did that he shouted at me and told me to go away because he was too busy with his latin work" I explained. My uncle wrapped an arm around my shoulder before pulling me closer to him and kissing the top of my head in a comforting manner. "I don't want to be little anymore" I stated determinedly.

"Well I think you're perfect just the way you are" he assured as he rubbed my arm soothingly "and I'm certain that Gregory meant no harm in his words. I'm sure he'll play with you later once he's completed his work" he explained. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes,

"Really?" I asked sadly,

"Really" he replied as he wiped the tears from my face before gently poking my nose playfully. "How about we spend some time together" he suggested "what would you like to do?" He asked. I crinkled my face thoughtfully as I wracked my brain for some ideas.

"Could you teach me how to draw?" I asked "I wan't to draw Papa a picture" I added. My uncles smile broadened and he nodded enthusiastically,

"That, my dearest, I can do" he agreed making me beam excitedly "but I won't do it if I see more tears" he warned and I nodded understandingly,

"No more tears" I stated,

"Promise?" He asked and I nodded once again,

"Promise" I confirmed.

Charlotte BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now