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September 30, 1998

They day they will never forget. The cop inside them had died that day. And that night, Raccoon city was wiped out. Thanks to the bioweapons created by Umbrella. Somehow, they made it out...But too many others weren't so lucky. Being both "asked" later to join a top-secret government program. Not that they had a choice. In separate ways the training, the punishment missions nearly killed them. But it kept his mind off everything. While it kept them hoping for something else.

If he could just forget what happen the night.

The pain - even for a second.

This time, It can be different for him.

It has to.

If they could just keep on living.

Get over the pain - And move on.

They could keep on living.

They need too.

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The whole car ride was cold and filled with awkward tension. They kept their gaze down to their lap picking at their fingernail skin drawing blood as they closed their eyes. "So, tell me, Yanqui..." The old man stopped mid sentence. "Why did you come to his horrible place?" Realizing that the conversation didn't involve them, they kept their eyes closed. "As close to nowhere that I've ever seen." Leon was quick to response. "Let's just say - were looking for someone." The elderly man raised an eyebrow. "That someone must be very important, eh?" He turned around facing the front. "The chief gave orders himself. 'Help them,' he said." Leon shifted in his seat a bit facing the elderly man. "Well, I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows. ...Or maybe you did." The police man turned to face Leon a small chuckle escaping his lips. "You have a strange sense of humor." As they kept their eyes closed pretending to be asleep they mumbled a small. "Tell me about it." As no one could hear them expect Leon. The conversation kept on going as they slowly  drifted into an actual slumber ignoring everything that went on around them.

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(A/N) - Small change in my writing 

You awoken by a small shake from your companion. "We're gonna go check where he went." Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw that one of the cops had been missing. The car parked in the middle of well nowhere. "I'll watch the car. Wouldn't want to get a parking ticket." The other younger police officer gave a grin. "So much for helping us." Leon said a monotone voice getting off the car closing the door behind him. You followed his lead and headed into the creepy chilling woods ahead. As you walked you felt the cold breeze hit your skin. "It's cold as shit-" You cursed out hugging yourself in attempt to keep your self warm. "Here." Feeling the warmth of the leather jacket of the other made you almost smile. Mouthing a small thanks you put on the jacket correctly zipping it on. Along the dark path only the crunching of the dead leave could be heard. The awkward tension wanted to eat you out as you suddenly felt a strong smell fill your nostrils. "God — What is that smell?" You held your hand over your mouth at the sight of the horrible death of a deer right in front of you. Seeing such cruelty being done to an animal you picked up your pace as Leon followed behind you. You both walked at a faster pace for a little longer until stumbling across a shady village house. "Think he went inside to use the restroom?" You joked as Leon only shook his head heading inside. You followed behind him looking around the place separating from him for a mere second.


As he headed inside another room leaving you behind he found himself with a sick looking man that had been mumbling to himself almost in a crazy way. "Sorry to barge in like this." Leon said as he approached the elderly man carefully. "Busco un policía. Vino aquí?" Leon tried his best to speak a language that the man was familiar but his an attempts seemed to go in vain. He looked around as he suddenly spotted the bloodied cops badge.

You could hear the grunts of two men fighting for their dear life. Running out the room you where in you where quick to make it to Leon where you could see him standing over a body. The body of the deceased man had their neck snapped. "What happened?" You asked curious as you bend down to check his pulse to ensure he was really dead. "He attacked me out of nowhere, something must have been wrong with him." Leon crouched down as well checking the man's pockets to find himself  a small key. "There's a locked door outside the passage." You hummed taking the key from Leon's hand walking out to the locked door. "As if this place didn't already look creepy." Leon commented as there was weird signs drawn around the door and in the middle of the door as well as weird shaped branches around. 

As you opened the door to a dark room Leon took lead taking his flashlight and gun out you following behind with a gun as you didn't carry a flashlight. "Ah!" You yelped backwards seeing a rat running around. "Fucking rat." You hissed shaking your head as Leon put his gun away slowly approaching the back as he lifted the dark curtain. You stayed behind him looking backwards. As Leon looked around he noticed a figure in the dark laying. "Hey!" He ran over to the man in the ground his flashlight reveling that the man was no longer breathing. You looked almost away as the gruesome sight of the cop. "Necesito apoyo!" You could hear the voice of the other cop as you heard gunshots coming from the small walkie. "I read you!" Leon quickly picked up the walkie as the only noises that he could make out where whimpers of fear. "What's your situation!?" The only response that could be heard where faint screams. "What the hell is going on!" Leon slammed the walkie to the floor facing you. "We should-" Leon stood up frowning. "What was that?" Distance noises could be heard. You only groaned and knew exactly what does noises meant.

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Running up the stairs avoiding anymore of the infected men Leon locked the door behind the both of you. "I swear if I knew we where gonna deal with these things I would have married a rich man/woman and leave my life at that." You joked as Leon only looked at you weirdly. "It was a joke.. Light up Leon." You rolled your eyes as Leon inspected the room you where both in. "Roost, this is condor one." Leon inspect what seemed an area filled with papers and pictures. You stayed quiet listing into the conversation as you kept watch over the door. "Hunnigan here. What's your sitrep?" A female voice could be heard from his small communicator.

 "The president's daughter — Baby eagle. It's likely she's in this village." Leon communicated as he held a picture of baby eagle on his hand. "Our intel was correct, then. Well done." She spoke as Leon glanced over to the map. "Need a location on a nearby lake. She may have been taken there." Leon placed the picture down. "Copy that. I'll see what I can find." Leon looked over to you as he saw you alarmed. "Hurry up. Something's happened to the people here. Our escorts are-" You backed away from the door as you saw someone trying to break through it. You looked around not knowing what to do as Leon looked into the door directly. "Gotta go. Talk later." Before the men could approach you Leon motioned for you to jump out the window. You ran out the window landing with a small thud. "I'll let myself out!" You could hear Leon as he dodged an axe jumping after you. The infected men looked over you from the window before stepping into the shadow's of the dark place. 

"I suppose this isn't gonna be an easy mission." You sighed as Leon shook his head in agreement.

words: 1415 

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