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Italics- the show,

As the car parked outside the house Amelia rushed out and headed to her home and went straight to her room. Amelia went to her closet grabbing a duffle bag that was filled with her clothes and essentials that she needed.

Amelia had it packed just in case she needed to be on the run from the cops, before she left her room she walk towards the left side of her room to the upper corner bending down and picking at the loose floorboard as she took it off and stick her hand inside trying to reach the things she had hidden from everyone else.

Amelia began pulling loads of cash and a fake passport. Thank god Jesse knew someone who makes passports and fake Identification cards. She had them just in case she needed them when she was on the run from the police just like she is about right now.

"That's a lot of cash, she has." Sofia said.

"That's not even half of it." Stefan tells her, knowing that when Sofia had passed, him and Amelia went through her room packing her things they had found a duffle bag or two full of money and a written letter that was dated the day before she left that the money was for Amelia.

Sofia looks at Stefan confused wondering what he had meant. "What do you mean?"

"A few months after your funeral Amelia and I cleaned out your room where we had found duffles bags full of cash and a letter that was dated before you left on that job you had." He tells her, leaving the parts out where Amelia had robbed a gas truck for money and where she also stole a vault full of money.


Mia's room, seeing as her room door was open as getting up from her spot, Amelia walked towards a Pacific wall in her room, her hands going over the pictures she has taken over the years of her family. She took two pictures off of the wall and put them in her bag.

Zipping up her duffle bag Amelia grabbed the stack of cash heading out her room and walked towards he entered she noticed nobody was in there.

Amelia set the stack of cash on Mia's bed before looking for pen and paper as she found what she needed, Amelia hurriedly wrote Mia a letter.

Amelia wiped the tear that fell out as she folded the paper and placed it on top of a stack of cash before she exited Mia room.

Everyone in the room was heartbroken seeing what Amelia was doing, she was leaving her home and Mia behind all because of men that had lied to her and broken that one family she ever had.

Amelia walked downstairs looking around her home, her heart aching knowing that this will be the last time she'll be here, her home where she grew up in with memories of both her uncles and her mother, her home where she wanted to raise her kids, her home where it had been pass down in generations in her family.

"Dom, stop it!." Amelia heard Mia yelling with César next to her, she quickly left the house seeing Dom holding a shotgun towards Brian as her ex-boyfriend holding a gun towards Dom. "It's over! Please."

"Shit bout to go down." Kol said, earning a whack on the head from his wife.

"Can you ever take things seriously?" Rebekah tells her brother.

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