I cleared my throat & took another drink, looking away from his gaze. "Jay should mind his own business."

"Well, I'm glad he told me. This could fuck with your head."

"It's not gonna fuck with my head." I rolled my eyes as I guzzled my water. "She told me you went to see her." I wiped some water from my chin as I glared at my dad. 

"I did." Dad nodded, then proceeded to tell me everything he had told Demi. It was unbelievable, actually. I had no idea my dad was friends with the man, he fought, that died as a direct result of the fight. I felt like my connection with Demi went beyond anything we even realized. Like it was fate that brought us together. Meant to be. I wondered why she didn't tell me any of what my dad told her. Dad put his hand on my shoulder & smirked at me. "And one more thing, son." He squeezed my muscle a little, then all of the sudden Jay, Ryan & a few other guys from the gym came busting into the room with a cake & were singing a bad rendition of 'Happy Birthday.' I laughed as Dad smiled at me. "Happy birthday, son." Dad grabbed me in a hug & kissed my cheek. "I am so unbelievably proud of you." He said as he held my face & talked over the guys singing.

I was grateful for my family, but I felt an ache being reminded of the fact that Demi had forgotten my birthday

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I was grateful for my family, but I felt an ache being reminded of the fact that Demi had forgotten my birthday. She had mentioned it when we went out for her birthday & she knew when it was because it was in my file. Of course, my file wasn't hers anymore, so maybe that's why she forgot. I blew out my candles as Jay held the cake in his hands & then we all had a piece of it. Very tiny pieces, since we were all training.

After I was done showering, I got dressed, then headed out of the locker room. I walked past my dad's office & waved at him when he looked up. "Bye, Dad. Jay & Ryan are taking me out for my birthday. See ya in the morning!"

"Hey. Can I talk to you real quick?" He asked, leaning on his arms at his desk, holding his phone.


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"Sure." I went in the office & sat my bag on the floor before I sat, in the chair, across from Dad's desk. "What's up?"

Dad sighed, looking thoughtful, then he stood up & walked to shut the office door. "I wanted to have a little heart to heart."

A Fighting ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora