Chapter 14

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I sat there, ringside, at the MMA Fighter's Hall of Fame Ceremony, listening as they spoke so highly about my father. Listening to his career, and how admirable of a man he was, in the fighting community, left me feeling so astonishingly proud of him. At one point I looked over at Wilmer and gave him a soft smile. Even though he never met my father, he still wanted to come and be apart of the experience. This was such a huge acceptance, being inducted into the MMA Hall of Fame, and he wanted to be there to support me, which I was very grateful for.

Once the ceremony was over, Wilmer and I stayed and socialized with some of those who attended the event. Many people came up and shared their stories with me, which sent me over the top. Hearing everyone's personal connections with my father, made me feel like he was there with me. I was able to hear how funny he was, how concerning he was for those who were struggling, and how hard of a trainer he was. The one that left me feeling the most proud of my father was when certain individuals came up and shared how great of a man he was. Hearing how special my dad was to, not only myself, but to everyone else, made me honored to be his daughter.He lived a good life, and represented himself well. He was someone who had such a big heart, and who was always there to help.

After a few hours, I was starting to slow down. It was a pretty emotional day for me. "You about ready to get going?" Wilmer looked down at me and asked.

I looked around the room, with a smile on my face, "Today was a good day," I said as I took it all in. Just knowing that my father will always be remembered as one of the greatest fighters of all time, meant the world to me. He deserved this. I just wish he was here to experience it with me.

"It was a great day. I know your dad feels so honored right now. He probably has a huge smile on his face," Wilmer said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready to go, or do you want to stay a little longer?" He asked.

I looked up at Wilmer, "Just give me a minute," I said to him as I looked back over at the ring. Wilmer nodded his head and stood there as he watched me walk away. I slowly made my way over towards the ring, where they had pictures of my father propped up. I moved closer and stared at the pictures. "Hi daddy," I said as I smiled wide. I felt my eyes beginning to water. "I am so proud of you. All of these people came out here today to support you, and to share their memories that they had of you. You were apart of an amazing fighting community, dad and I wish you were here to experience this with me," I said softly as a tear slowly fell down my face. I quickly wiped my eyes, "I love you, daddy," I said as I placed two fingers on my lips and then brought it to his picture, to send him a kiss. I took a minute to compose myself, and then turned back around to go find Wilmer.

I walked quietly back to him and watched as he stood there with his hands in his pockets, just smiling over at me

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I walked quietly back to him and watched as he stood there with his hands in his pockets, just smiling over at me. "You okay?" He asked me as I got closer, holding his arm out for me to hold onto.

 "You okay?" He asked me as I got closer, holding his arm out for me to hold onto

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