special 03

628 41 11

"hey kuni, i'm gonna head out."

he didn't look up, still finishing the next part of his new book as he replied, "where to?"

"the orphanage."

he snapped his head in your direction, eyes blown wide with shock. "WHAT?!"

you sighed, "no, not for that. i'm going there because i made a few mechanical child-safe toys."

he let out a sigh of relief, "alright."

"do you want to come with me?"

"me? go with you to a place crawling with children? i don't think that'd pan out very well. that's an easy no."

"... i can't believe you roped me into doing this."

"oh come on," you snorted, knocking on the door. "it won't kill you to be nice for a little."

"hmph. brats," scaramouche crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

the door opened, revealing an elderly woman. "oh hello! so nice to see you {name}! my, it's been ages!"

"hi grandma," you smiled at her while holding the box. "i brought some toys for the children!"

"oh my! i hope it didn't take you too long to make them," she said, noticing the box you held. "you're too kind."

"no worries," you said happily. "madam faruzan helped me as well, so it didn't take us too much time."

"that's sweet," she replied. "send her my regards. now come inside! the children just finished their lunches."

you turned to scaramouche, "did you want to come inside?"

"tch," he rolled his eyes, stepping inside. you laughed and followed, shutting the door closed with your foot.

"oh! i am so sorry," the elderly woman apologized. "i did not realize you brought a friend! hello there, dear."

"hi," scaramouche replied. "i'm {name}'s partner."

"partner? oh my! {name} i did not realize you had a boyfriend," the woman teased you. "you two make a lovely couple!"

"t-thank you," you said, flustered by her words.


the three of you looked over to see a small child running at you full force, hugging your legs tightly with a big smile on his face. you smiled at him, "hi there, nikhil! energetic as always i see."

"mhm! mhm! it's so great to see you! why haven't you been coming as often as you used to," he frowned. "i miss you..."

"awwwhhh nikhil," you placed the box down and kneeled down, patting his head comfortingly. "i'm sorry. i've gotten so busy! to make you feel better, i brought you and your friends some things!"

"what are they?"

you opened the box and held up a small mini mushroom-shaped object. "watch." after placing it on the floor, you pulled a string and it began to float and move around, making nikhil watch in wonder and amazement. "wow!!! that is so cool! thank you!"

"i have more toys, do you want me to show you?"

"yes please! wait, come with me over here," nikhil said and grabbed your hand. "we can see my friends!"


you grabbed the box in one arm and let nikhil guide you away. scaramouche meanwhile was sulking in disbelief, watching his girlfriend basically get stolen by a kid. then he felt something tug at his shorts.

"excuse me?"

scaramouche looked down at the kid, seeing him holding a pillow with tears in his eyes. "what?"

"i... i had a nightmare," he stammered. "can you tell me a story?"

"a story? i can't help you there," scaramouche scoffed. "figure it out yourself kid."

"sorry for bothering you," the small kid sniffled and began to walk away.

scaramouche groaned, turning to the kid and kneeled down. "come here."

the kid walked back, small tears dripping down his cheeks, "y-yes sir?"

"a story is all you need, right?"

"mhm," he nodded.

"where's your room?"

the small kid walked down a hall and turned a corner into a small room which was isolated from the others.

"why is your room away from the others," scaramouche asked.

"i'm new here," the kid said, sitting on his bed and tucking himself in. "the nice grandma said they're making me a bed in the other room."

scaramouche's body moved on its own, adjusting the blankets and tucking the kid inside neatly. "what story do you want to hear?"

"just a nice one," the kid said, turning to face scaramouche who sat down on a stool.


around halfway through his story, the kid began to become drowsy, the lids of his eyes were now shut and he was beginning to sleep. scaramouche gently lowered his voice and continued to tell his story until he knew for sure the child was asleep. he stood up and began to walk out, leaving a small folded tiger behind him. maybe this tiger can protect your dreams, child.

after he closed the door behind him, he was met with you standing there with a soft smile on your face. "hey."

"hey," he echoed back.

"i was going to introduce myself to the new kid, but i guess you were able to get him to nap."

scaramouche looked away with a blush on his cheeks, and you couldn't help but press a chaste kiss on his nose. "i'm proud of you."

"how so," scaramouche scoffed. "i was simply trying to get the kid to leave me alone."

"whatever you say," you chuckled, linking your arm with his. "i'll let you say whatever you want."

"let's go now," scaramouche said. "i want to just..."

"just what?"

"i'll tell you at home."

you thought for a second and got the hint, a small smirk on your face. "does someone need cuddles?"

"sh-shut it."

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