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Joe and Cherry stood in the doorway of the apartment looking at the couch which was covered in crumbs and bags of Doritos. There was an empty pizza box on the coffee table next to the couch and about a dozen empty bottles of beer spread across the ground, table and couch.

Cherry's eye twitched.
'Oh yeah' Joe thought 'forgot about that'. Joe had been tired after a work shift one day and decided to binge on snacks and alcohol. He hadn't cleaned it up. Clearly.

"I'm not going anywhere near that." Cherry stated, his hand pinching his nose to block the stench of mouldy Doritos and pizza.

"Now what will I do?" He said turning to Joe, and raising an eyebrow. "I will not be reduced to such filth."

Joe sighed. " I swear you act like a princess," he said, remembering when Cherry was in a wheelchair and made Joe push him around.

"Oh shut up, if you're so humble then you sleep there. I'd gladly switch places." Cherry said angrily.

"I guess the only thing you can do is either sleep on the floor or..." after this Joe trailed off.

They both blushed and looked away from each other. Joe rubbed his neck and Cherry looked up at the ceiling. 'I can't sleep in the same bed as Kojiro' Cherry thought 'that would be too embarrassing... but I don't want to sleep on the floor either' he was conflicted. It was either sleep next to Joe or sleep on the floor.

Joe wasn't too excited either. ' I can't sleep next to Kaoru I've been friends with him since high school'.

Cherry exhaled. "Well, I'm not going to sleep on the floor." And walked away.

Joe just stood there for a bit, blushing.

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