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Cherry was sat at his usual table in Joe's restaurant. He was eating by himself, examining a beautifully painted picture of a set of Japanese mountains. In the middle was a small river gently passing through two of the mountains. It was a tranquil and calm scene, and you could almost hear the sound of the river flowing.

Cherry rested his fork on the side of his plate. "Who painted that?" he asked, turning his head to Joe, pointing at the painting. Joe was sitting on one of the tables near the door. He looked up.

"Me." He said with a frown. Cherry was taken aback.

Joe smirked. "What's with the face?" He said smugly. "Nothing," Cherry said, " I just didn't think you had the capabilities to hold a paintbrush, seeming as you resemble a gorilla so much I assumed your brain would simply combust." He said with a smirk.

Joe's smile dropped at this comment. "You know, even after all this time you still really are the most sarcastic person I know." Joe laughed. Cherry rolled his eyes.

"Well, I better get going," Cherry said, standing up. " It's getting late after all". It was 11:30 and he had work the next day so he figured he'd get a good nights sleep in to be ready for the job the next day.

"Carla," he looked down to his skateboard. "Yes sir?" The ai skateboard responded. "What's the quickest route back home?". "Sir, I would not recommend skating in this weather, it is too dangerous".

It was mid January, and was snowing hard. It didn't snow much in Okinawa, but when it did it usually brought a snow storm.

Cherry sighed. "Will you call a chauffeur then?" He asked breathily. "There are currently no chauffeurs on duty sir." Joe laughed from the corner.

"What's so funny?" Cherry whipped his head around. "You're cute when you're annoyed," Joe said with a grin. Cherry blinked in surprise. "Tch," he said, the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks, and moved on.

"Carla," he said. "Yes sir," the robot answered. "Call a taxi please" said Cherry.
"It can't do that," Joe said. "IT has a name- "You need to be out on the street to call a cab dumbass," Joe cut him off. "Oh...yeah" Cherry said.

"I'll just go outside the door it's fine," said Cherry. "You can't call a cab from there, cabs don't come down this street, it's too narrow." Joe persisted. "You'd have to go out onto the main street, and that's not a good idea at this time, wearing that." Joe pointed at Cherry's kimono. "You could be robbed," he said. "Why don't you come with me if you're so worried, I'm sure that they won't attack me if they see you there. I mean, you are basically just a sentient pile of muscle so I'm sure they wouldn't go near me."

"Yeah right, you think I'm going to go out in that?" He pointed out the window to the snow. "I'd get frostbite if I spent less than a minute out there," he gestured to his outfit, which was his usual hoodie and shorts. "And if I wear my chef uniform I'm likely to be robbed as well-so no, I will not be going outside."

"Well then how are you going to get back home?" Cherry asked.
"I have an apartment above my restaurant, I'll just sleep there." When Carla had advised Cherry not to skate back home Joe figured he'd just stay up there for the night. The apartment was small and only had one bedroom, but it was enough for him.

"Ugh, of course you do," Cherry commented. Joe rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, Joe had a thought. 'No that would be weird to ask him' he thought. 'Then again, I'd be able to use this against him if I ever needed anything from him.'

"Why don't you stay here for the night?" Joe said. "Do you mean your apartment?" Cherry asked, as if reading Joe's mind.
"Ya. I mean, you'd probably have to sleep on the couch since there's only one bed, but it should be fine."

"I agree, it would be the best decision sir" said Carla. "See even your robot agrees with me," said Joe. Cherry huffed. "Fine," he said.

 Snowed in |MatchaBlossom fluff ~ Cherry x Joe|Where stories live. Discover now