chapter 1: Peaches

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Penelope Anderson

"Daddy can I please go out tonight with Gici I promise I'll be back before three." I pleaded with my father, he so over protective he keeps me in the house 24/7 and never let's me go out I'm 17 damn it and never been to a club or a party unless my dad throws one and if he do I have to stay in my room df!!! My name is Penelope Kai Andrews but I prefer peaches. Unfortunately I'm the daughter to the biggest drug lord in Mississippi. I'm 5'0 even and I have light skin my body is average except from my huge ass. I have c- cup breast and a flat stomach. I have long curly hair and brown eyes that I get from my mom. My mom died when I was three, some of my dad enemies killed her. She was only 19 at the time and the love of my dad's life after finding out about her death my dad went on a rampage and killed hundreds earning his title at a young age of 22. They say he's scary, cold hearted but to me he's a big teddy bear.

"Peaches you can go if you allow me to send a body guard with like I've told you times before there's people after me which means their after you so you need to stay protected at all times." I marked him its the same all the time.

"Soooo that's a yes" I laughed

"Yeah I'm sending Jaheem since he's around your age and my best worker."

"Ok he needs to be here around nine cause we got to pick up Gici" I smiled.

Jaheem Cream....

"Ma I'm bout to go to work I'll see you in the morning" I kissed her cheek.

"Ok baby be careful out there" she coughed it seems like her condition gets worser by day the doctors ups her dosages which brings up the cost and if I didn't have the job I'm doing she'll be gone by now. My name is Jaheem Lashaun Cream. I am 6'4 brownskin I have hazel green eyes I use to have long hair but I cut it so now its a fade. I'm 17 and 18 in two weeks. My life is rough I'm constantly out working while my 32 year old uncle sits on his ass pretending to look after my mama. It's been several times I've came home and heard ma moaning and groaning in pain cause he didn't give her her meds. My 24 year old brother to busy fucking everything that walks to actually look for a job or look after his own mother I'm the only one she depends on because they treat her so wrong when they watch her.

"Is there anything you need me to pick up while I'm out."

"Yeah I made a list its on my side table." I grab the list and head to my boss office to escort his spoiled ass daughter to the club nobody has ever seen her but I can already tell she stuck up asf because they have money. I arrived at his house and parked. Ringing the bell one of his many maids answer. "I'm here to see Amil I tell her."

"Right this way" she turns for me to follow her. His house is huge I've only been here once and that's was only to his basement. She leads me to some huge double doors and knocks.

"Come in" a deep voice instructed. We entered and was faced with my boss and this sexy girl sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Jaheem your early its only 8:15" he smiled Amil is a real chill dude he looks like he's in his 20s honestly.

"I know I wanted to talk to you before we go."

"Oh ok how rude of me, jaheem this is my stunning daughter Penelope." He said pointing at the girl sitting on his desk.

"Wassup" I knodded

"Hey so your the one that's gonna turn up with us tonight I thought father was sending some man in black looking nigga" she laughed looking back at her dad who was cracking up I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Yep I guess so" I replied

"Good let me go finish getting dressed so y'all can talk business." She hopped off the desk revealing how short she is.

"Sir someone took ten grand worth of our product and so far no ones speaking up I know you want me to protect your daughter but I really think I can find who took it today." I said pissed off I hate when people fuck with my money.

"I know I'm already got some of my people on it don't worry about it have a good time with my daughter and bring her back safely." He said patting my back leaving his office.

"Ok sir" I followed him out and we headed to what look like a Theatre. We sat there for about twenty minutes conversating about sports when we heard peaches scream I'm ready through the intercom.

"I swear I hate when she use that thing" Amil laughed

"I can see why" I laughed

"See why what?" A voice appeared.

"Penelope if you don't go up stairs and put some real clothes on you not going" Amil yelled damn she was looking hellah fine. Peaches was rockin some skin tight leather shorts with a sweater like half shirt with the words boss written across and some combact boots and to set it off she had her hair up in a bun showcasing her peaches tattoo on her neck.

"Daddy come on I'll have jaheem with me I should be fine ok please let me go I'm begging!!!" She fussed

"Ok you win, jaheem don't let nobody touch her he" said sternly and walked away.

"Aight let's go shawty." and with that we walked out to my bendz....

Well my first chapter is up tell me what y'all think I'm trying something a lil bit different and peaches in the mm

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