The 41st Millenium - Chapter 1: Introduction to the 40k

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Itami and the rest of the group settled comfortably on the couch while Joe scrolled through a list of videos on the TV screen.

Hamilton glanced around the room "This place reminds me of that bar back in Italica."

Pina nodded in agreement. "Yes, now that you mention it, it does bear a resemblance... though it's much cleaner and better maintained here."

"Glad you both like it" Joe's eye- a luminous, gaping hole- shined brighter "Aha, found it!"

Joe made his selection, and the chosen video filled the entire screen, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"An introduction to the 40k..." Lelei read the title aloud, her curiosity piqued. "What does the '40k' mean?"

"It refers to the year in that universe. It's set 40,000 years into the future" Joe explained.

"40,000 years?! That's incredibly far into the future! I was expecting something more along the lines of a hundred or a thousand years," Itami exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the vast time span.

"Trust me, time doesn't really matter in that universe that much. With that said, let's get to the video" Joe then played the video.

<< It is the 41st Millennium.For more than a hundred centuries, the Emperor of mankindhas sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth >> The camera then panned to the Emperor of Mankind, which was just a large skeleton and a few bits of mechanical wires and tubes, sitting on the golden throne. 

Pina's mouth went agape at the information "How is he still alive while looking like that? He's just a... Skeleton!"

"Is he an undead?" Lelei turned to Joe and stare at him, curiosity in her eyes. 

"Kind of? He's like, on the verge of dying, but still very alive"

"How? He's just all bones" Itami questioned.

Rory nodded "I'm curious about it as well" 

"Well, there's several factors for that. First off, the thing he's sitting on called the Golden Throne serves as both a life-support system and a psychic amplifier"

"Psychic amplifier? What's that?" Tuka asked. 

"Think of it as a device that strengthens your magic prowess and your control over it. Last but not the least, his psychic powers. His powers are incredibly powerful, that it sustains his body and prevents it from complete decay"

Itami grimaced "I can't imagine what it must feel like to live with a half decaying body and sitting on a chair for years"

Rory chimed in, her voice tinged with sympathy. "It must be incredibly painful and agonizing, I bet"

"Correct. Imagine not able to scratch any itchy parts"

Itami and most of the cast shuddered.

"How powerful is the emperor?" Lelei questioned.

"Let's say he's battling four Chaos gods in that state"

<< He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods and, master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies >> 

"By 'worlds', does he mean planets?" Itami asked. Joe nodded in confirmation "Woah..." 

Pina raised a valid concern. "But won't that pose a challenge? How will he maintain peace and order over such a vast empire?"

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