Stretching your aching muscles, you checked the clock, groaning quietly. "Damn it. I missed dinner."

It wasn't the first time. Usually, you'd soldier through it or feast on some snacks hidden in your room, but you vaguely remembered looting the last of your supplies the day before. You haven't had the time to restock.

Weighing your options, you sighed. "Guess I'm raiding the fridge today."

Before your 'hunting trip', you took the liberty to shower since you didn't want to walk around the house all sweaty. You changed into your pyjamas, exiting your room in pursuit of some tasty sustenance.

Creeping through the poorly lit hallways, you almost jumped out of your skin when you bumped into someone. "Fuck," you exclaimed, trying your best to not raise your voice too much.

"Out on a nightly stroll?" Alhaitham asked with an almost perceivable hint of mocking in his tone.

You squinted up at the man before scoffing, "what if I am?" You weren't in the mood for chitchat, you were practically starving.

"I would recommend that you return to your room. It's dangerous to wander the halls at night."

"Puh-lease, I live here. I know the place better than anyone. I promise, I won't trip or whatever." you rolled your eyes, stepping around him and continuing your journey to the kitchen.

Shaking his head, Alhaitham sighed. "She's on the move." He informed Cyno through their comms.

"Understood." Came a curt reply.

Pushing the the door to the living room open, you came face-to-face with your second problem of the night, "can you lay off? I'm not trying to run."

"They all say that." Cyno retorted.

"You think, I'd try to sneak out in my pyjamas?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't be the first." He deadpanned.

'So that excuse is off the table then.' You thought, noticing the first thorn in your side has followed you too, "Why are you following me around? Am I a high security prisoner or something?"


"But you are 'notorious at sneaking out' as your father put it." Alhaitham explained, leaning on the kitchen island.

"You heard that?" You frowned, 'They weren't even in the room for that.'

"We've been instructed to keep a close eye on you." Cyno stated, waving the question off, "so that's what we're doing."

"Whatever." You sighed, pulling the door of the fridge open, sifting through its contents. "No... nope... not it either..."

You huffed in disappointment, "the world has it out for me today, doesn't it?" You muttered to yourself, closing the fridge in favour of raiding the cupboards. "Nope. Nothing. Nada."

The two watched your progressive descend into despair when you couldn't find what you were looking for.

"Where in the Abyss is everything?!" You groaned, slamming the last door shut, wincing at the noise.

"Anything the matter?" Cyno asked, hoping to resolve the situation before you broke something. The cupboard barely survived the rough handling.

You shot the man a glare, quickly composing yourself. 'Not their fault. Cool it, (Y/N),' you reminded yourself. "Nope. Everything's fine. I'm just starving and can't find anything."

Alhaitham scoffed, "You can't find anything?" The kitchen was huge, there was no way nothing here fit your tastes.

"Nope. Nothing. All of this..." you waved you hands around, gesturing to the whole room, "is completely deserted."

'Bullshit.' Alhaitham thought, moving to have a look himself, "what were you looking for?"

"(Favourite snack). I'm telling you, it's not here-" your sentence was cut off when he placed exactly what you were looking for on the counter in front of you, "what... How did..."

"Doesn't matter." He shrugged, carefully closing the cabinets he looked through.

"... Thanks." You pouted, 'how did I miss it?'

"Don't mention it."

Sitting down at the kitchen island, you munched on your snack, awkwardly exchanging glances with the two men picked to guard you, "so..." you started, uncomfortable with the silence.

"Hm?" Cyno hummed to indicate he was listening while Alhaitham looked up from his book.

You did a quick double-take 'Where did he get a book?'

Taking a deep breath, you gathered your thoughts, "sorry about being a bitch before. It's nothing personal. I'm just not a fan of my freedom getting restricted."

"It's alright, we're not offended." Cyno reassured, glancing at Alhaitham.

"If something like this bothered us, we wouldn't be in this business." Alhaitham added flatly.

When your hunger was satiated, your exhaustion hit you like a brick. Stretching in your seat, you tried to suppress a yawn.

"I take that as you're ready for bed."

"You sound like a babysitter." You snorted, shaking your head with a lazy smirk, "but yeah. I'm beat."


"Yeah, yeah. I'm going. I'm going." You waved the two off, shuffling your way back to your sanctuary. The thought of your bed sounded very enticing at the moment.


Splaying out on your comfy mattress, surrounded by various pillows, you thought over today's events.

It was certainly a bummer to have bodyguards following you everywhere, but it could have been worse. Despite how they looked at first, they didn't seem all that strict. 'Speaking of their looks...' You trailed off with a pout, your face burning at the thoughts plaguing your depraved mind.

Was the world tempting you?

Troublemaker - Alhaitham x Reader x CynoWhere stories live. Discover now