Issei: Ow! What the hell?!

Doflamingo Issei: You have any idea how embarrassing that is for us in our worlds?

Issei: I got drunk! Cut me some me slack!

Doflamingo Issei: Yeah and caused Ultima's dead wife to come back and laugh before dying.... again!

The next screen played.

Master Yu: May I help you?

Kenji Jin: We'll be asking the questions old man. Who are you?

Master Yu: Yu.

Kenji Jin: No, not me. You.

Master Yu: Yes, I'm Yu.

Kenji Jin: Just answer the damn question! Who are you?

Master Yu: I have told you!

Kenji Jin: Are you deaf?

Master Yu: No. Yu is blind.

Kenji Jin:I'm not blind. You blind.

Master Yu: That is what I just said.

Kenji Jin:You just said what?

Yu: I did not say what, I said Yu.

Kenji Jin:That's what I'm asking you.

Master Yu: And Yu was answering.

Kenji Jin: Shut up!, You!

Yu: Yes?

Kenji Jin: Not you. Him! What's your name?

Mi: Mi.

Kenji Jin: Yes, you.

Mi: I'm Mi.

Master Yu: He's Mi and I'm Yu.

Kenji Jin: And I'm about to whoop your old ass man because I am sick of playing games! You,me? Everybody's ass around here!

Everything burst out laughing with some people like Azazel rolling around on the ground.

Azazel: Thats gotta be in a movie, we have to make that a movie!

Sirzech: Agreed!

The next video showed Killer Kenji dancing and singing.

Killer Kenji: Oh, I think I found myself a unicorn!~

Dust Kenji: *comes in holding a knife* How did you get in my house?!

Necro: Wait, is thay why Killer keeps spam calling me?

Kaito: -_- that kid believes in to many fairy tales.

Necro: Mhm

Teacher: Okay, class. X =....

Kenji: *whispers to his friends* I know you heard that new-

Teacher: Why do I hear talking?

Kenji: *goes Advance* Because you got ears you dumb ass bitch!

Teacher:.......Kenji step outside.

Azazel: I mean, kid isn't wrong

Sirzech: Agreed.

Kaito: Okay, one more and we'll take a break.

Necro: This one must be the best

The screen played again to show Omnipotent Kenji aiming a gun at Akira.

Omnipotent Kenji: I've been waiting many years for this moment to look you in the eye-

Akira snatches his gun and aims it at him.

Omnipotent Kenji: Oh, shit.

Necro deadpanned.

Necro: For someone Omnipotent, you didn't see that coming?

Kaito: -_- He talked to much that's why.

Necro: Dumbass.

Kaito: Alright.....That's all for now.

Necro: Alright! Break time!

Everyone left the room as Kaito looked at the machine and pressed it.

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Universe found!



End of chapter

KenjiverseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя