First Mistake

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A dark and creepy alley. Not even a single soul was there at that time. The roads and streets were dead silent. Only the sound of heavy breathing was in the air. She ran and ran until she collapsed on the ground.

"Found you." A man said as he tried to approach her with a knife, smirk plastered on his face.

She began to back away, still on the ground. The man took slow steps towards her,his smirk growing wider.

"P-please."these were the only words that left her mouth.

She keep on backing away and the man keep on approaching her. Suddenly her back collided with a wall. She was at dead end. There was no escape.

The man came closer to her face and began to trace the knife on her face. She tried her best to resist but everything was in vain.

"There is no escape now."the man said and laughed maniacally.

She was about to give up when her eyes spotted something. There was a glass bottle in the corner of the alley. She stretched her hand a little to grab the bottle and succeeded in doing so.

As the man was about to stab her,she smashed the bottle on his head.

He fell on the ground, holding his head.
She looked at the scene in front of her with horror. She was about to step forward to help the man but her instincts told her to run away.

She began to run. She was about to turn around to exit the alley when she heard,
"You can't leave your father here in this condition. You are such a bad
daughter."the man said with a weak voice.

She spared one last glance in his direction before she left the alley.
She was running, breathlessly. She still felt that someone was following her.

She turned around but no one was there, but in process of doing so her body collided with someone from the front.

She looked up only to realize a man was standing there, looking in her direction.

"I-I'm sorry." She said, still breathing heavily.

"It's completely fine." The man said.
He was about to leave when she stopped him by saying,
"Excuse me Mr."

The man turned around and pointed at himself as if to ask if she was calling him.

"I want some help." She said, looking around with horror visible in her face.

"M-me. You are asking for my help?" He questioned, dumbfounded.


"I'm afraid you are asking the wrong person Miss."

"Please, I really need help right now." She pleaded.

"But, What are you doing here at this hour? I mean it's not safe for you to roam around here at midnight."the man said.

"I-I'm lost." She replied.

"Are you sure?" He questioned,not believing her words.

"Yeah I'm sure. Can you please help me?"the girl asked.

"What can I do for you?"

"Actually I want to leave for the airport immediately and there is no one who can help me except you. Please drop me to the airport."

"My car is parked Infront of that store. Come with me I'll drop you."he said pointing in the direction of a car.

He went in the direction of his car and she followed him.

"Get in Miss."he said opening the car door for her.

She looked around once again before hoping in the car. The man closed the door and went to sit on the driving seat.
He started the engine and started to drive the car.

The ride was silent for a few minutes until he spoke.

"Can I know your name?" He asked.

"H-huh?" She hesitated.

"You trusted me till here so why can't you tell me your name?"

"Arim, Jung Arim." She replied.

"I'm Sam."

She nodded before turning around to look outside the window.

He began to drive the car once again.
Few minutes passed by and now they reached the airport. The Sam named guy stopped the car and looked in her direction.

"We reached the airport Miss Arim."he said.

"Thank you so much."she said and exited the car instantly.

She rushed towards the airport, ignoring her surroundings completely.

"Excuse me, I've a flight reserved for today. Can you please check the reservations?"Arim hastily said to the girl standing behind the counter.

"Ofcourse, can you tell me your name?"the girl asked politely.

"Jung Arim."she replied, impatiently tapping her feet on the marble floor.

The girl nodded and began to check the reservations.

"I'm so sorry Mam but you are late. Your flight left an hour ago."the receptionist replied.

"What are you saying? My flight was supposed to take off at 1am."she asked, slightly panicking.

"Exactly mam."the receptionist replied pointing in the direction of the wall clock that just struck 2 o'clock."

"Oh no. What will I do now?"Arim was panicking so bad and sweat was forming on her forehead.

"Is there something wrong Mam?"the receptionist asked, sensing her condition.

Arim didn't reply and just sat down on the chair placed near the counter. She hung her head low and began to sob.

"Excuse me Miss.Arim." someone said as he tapped her shoulder to gain her attention.

She looked up only to see the same guy from earlier sitting beside her.

"You didn't leave yet?"her voice was shaky.

"I heard everything and I know you missed your flight. But don't worry I can give you a lift back home."he said in an assuring way.

"I don't have a home."replied Arim as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"You can come with me then."


"Yes, I'm offering you to stay with me till you find your own place to live."he calmly shrugged.

Arim fell in deep thoughts. She was thinking whether to trust a stranger or not.
But was he really a stranger??

Stay tuned to find out!

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