
About the Character

reiko doesnt talk with others often, due to his condition. he is known among the barracks of the shinigami for being someone who is awkward, but always means well and is very kind. reiko is absolutely wonderful with kids, for some reason even the most troublesome, noisiest baby will wueit down once reiko begins to speak and play with them. he values life a lot, as he knows just how easy it is for that life to be taken- meaning he looks down upon men such as sosuke aizen, or even the head captain himself for taking life so thoughtlessly. this has lead to many saying that reiko has a childish mindset, which in reality is not far from the truth. he gets attaches to others quickly and is aware of this fact, attempting not to be so clingy.

rice balls, salmon, hibiscus tea, vanilla ice cream.

Least Favorites
graveyards, deserts, hot and dry areas, being in mayuri's lab.

watching tv shows from the real world, swimming, and watching sunrises.

fear of betrayal, fear of abandonment, fear of losing control.

reiko speaks with an extremely soft voice without realizing often.
when embarrassed, reiko will hide his face with his hair.
often focuses his gaze on his scales when hes talking, as he cant hold eye contact very long.

reiko is good at origami.
reiko has a talent in making babies calm down.
reiko is capable of holding his breath for hours at a time, much like a fish.

Best Qualities
empathetic to others

Worst Qualities

reiko has a hard line on not hurting children. he also refuses to take a life unless absolutely necessary, and if it is a life of a being that is sentient, no matter how evil they we, reiko will often murmur a prayer for them after.

being able to live without the S.E.H

Hand-to-Hand Combatant
reiko's hand to hand skills are average, perhaps even a bit below average in some categories. the energy granted to him by the S.E.H is what mostly allows him to fight.

reiko's strength is hard to gauge. by spiritual energy alone, reiko is easily within the ranks of a high level captain, but his energy is wild and somewhat uncontrollable. the SEH acts as a focus for him, but this doesn't meant that he can use the entirety of his energy, nor does it that what he can use is expertly controlled.

reiko is capable of taking hits from the likes of people such as a post-release nnorita and still being able to fight well after, though it will still injure him.

Spiritual Power
without a doubt the category reiko best excels in, able to put out more spiritual power than almost anyone else in soul society history.

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