Let's Talk About Racism

Start from the beginning

You may be denied something for another reason entirely, like being a girl or LGBT or whatever. But it will NEVER be because you are white.


That's why affirmative action is in place, which white people seem to LOVE to complain about. Because there was a time where even when a minority was more qualified for that college in comparison to a white person, the white person STILL got chosen. Same with jobs. A minority has to work twice as hard as a white person so they give that executive absolutely no reason NOT to choose them other than for a racist reason, which then can be easily called out.

Now I know some white people are gonna be like "BUT IM NOT LIKE MY ANCESTORS IM NOT A RACIST !!"

No. You may not be. But you ARE living the white privileged life that they paved for you for CENTURIES, while I and other minorities live the discriminated life they ALSO paved for us.

That's why it is problematic to say you love being white. You can love your CULTURE, which is your ethnicity. German, Irish, Italian, hell even Canadian, etc. But to say you love being white when all that's associated with white people is a history of oppression, enslavement, and the KKK?? Yikes !!

Y'all spent CENTURIES oppressing us then you suddenly wanna use our cultures as a fashion statement?! Lol wyd bruh.

Last thing I'm gonna talk about is racism and discrimination as a whole.

I HATE when people are like "it's 2015 why is *insert some form of oppression* still a thing??"

Um, what does the year have to do with anything?! Did you think because it was 2015 oppression is gonna magically go away??!!

Oppression has been around for CENTURIES.

It's like losing weight. It didn't take a day to put it on, so it won't take a day to burn it off.

Same thing with discrimination.

It took CENTURIES to build up, it will take CENTURIES to bring down. Women only got the right to vote a century ago, black people only a couple decades ago.

Also, are you really THAT naive to think that oppression and discrimination will EVER go away?

Racism, sexism, and the like will NEVER. GO. AWAY.

It is TOO institutionalized into our society for it to do so. People pass it down the generations.

It may LESSEN, but NEVER die. And if it EVER did, no one alive right now, not even a baby born .2 seconds ago, will be alive to see it. Maybe our great great great great grandchildren, but none of us.

And if you actually thought racism died, you're a fool. And if you think racism isn't that big, maybe because you aren't in America, no. Racism is EVERYWHERE. You're just not paying attention, probably because it doesn't affect you. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never seen a murder or rape but I know it happens.

Do not turn a blind eye on these things simply because it doesn't affect you, because then don't be surprised if I do the same to you, as you sit and watch my people be MURDERED without a care in the world.

Wake up.

The world isn't such a beautiful place, but I'd rather be painfully aware than blissfully ignorant, and you should want the same.

A/N: For any white person that read this, DO NOT come to me saying "not all white people are racist," because I know that. I have white friends. However, by taking the time to defend yourself, you are taking away from the issue at hand. Stop defending yourself, and start rising up to the occasion and focusing on the issue.

Peace out cub scouts.

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