Napping <3

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Chris was a huge fan of napping, he would have at least like 2 small ones or 1 long one, everyday.

you always said you hated it, but to be perfectly honest, you loved that he loved them.

it gave you the perfect excuse to cuddle him for hours with no complaints, besides he looked so cute when he was asleep.

you would always take a pic of either just him or you both because you thought it was the cutest thing ever.

however, you'd always told him you thought they were stupid and they're for babies not fully grown adults. He always defended his case but you never listened.

secretly sometimes you'd even go for a small power nap too, but he never knew, till today.

you had fallen asleep 30 minutes into Chris' nap, and you had conked out.

about an hour later Chris woke up to go pee and noticed you had also fallen asleep, he smiled to himself looking at you peacefully sleeping, he took a quick snap just to tease you later but left you to sleep.

the toilet flushing woke you up, you looked around and no Chris. shit.

you silently cursed under your breath. you knew you were never going to hear the end of this.

after all your slander towards naps you just sat and stared at the ceiling waiting for the "i told you so" to just roll out of Chris' mouth.

he walks out the bathroom to see you looking at him with an unimpressed face on you, he couldn't help but laugh.

"what's so funny Christopher."

"who was the one who said naps are stupid and are for babies?" he laughed even more.

"look... they are but...i have no excuse to be honest, that was the best sleep ever, i wanna go back to sleep." you yawned making him laugh harder and you started laughing too.

"okay we can do that." he giggled, climbing in next to you, cuddling up to you.

and with that, you both went back to sleep.

maybe naps aren't that bad after all.

Christopher Sturniolo Imagines &lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt