6: Evidence { II }

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[Korekiyo's POV]
After the elevator came to a stop, I peered around the room we had been brought to. The room was giant, the roof being very high up. There was a raised throne which Monokuma sat upon, underneath smaller podiums with cushions for the Monokubs. In the centre of the room, 16 podiums stood all in a circle, facing into the middle. One of the podiums had a portrait but I couldn't really tell who it was.

'Welcome kiddos!' Monokuma beamed, causing me to lose concentration,'welcome to the trial room! Please stand at your respected podium.'

Though no one really wanted to, we all walked around the podiums until we found the ones with each of our names, not knowing what Monokuma would do if we didn't follow along. After walking for not too long, I found a podium with the name 'Korekiyo Shinguji' engraved on it. I slowly got on it, then started looking to my left and my right. On my right was no other than Angie Yonaga (great), and my left Tsumugi Shirogane. Next to Tsumugi stood Rantaro. He noticed I was staring and waved at me, so I gave a small wave back.

'So, what will happen is y'all will discuss your findings to catch the culprit, yada yada, and then the perpetrator will be publicly executed! But if you guess wrong, the culprit goes free and everyone else is punished! Puhuhu...' Monokuma explained,'good luck!'

'First, why do I have a constant reminder of Himiko!? Second, EXECUTED??!' Tenko screamed,'also, why do I have to stand next to *him*, of all men? I could've been next to someone sweet like Himiko but NO!'

'Wahhhh, you're sooo mean!! Don't you realise how that makes me feeellll?' Kokichi cried.

'Quite frankly, I do not care! Also, that cry is fake as hell!' Tenko exclaimed.

Then Kokichi immediately stopped crying, his last tears falling to the ground.

'Nishishi!~ You're rightttt!' He teased, putting his hands behind his head.

'You little-' Tenko was cut off.

'Now's not the time to argue.' Maki interrupted,'our lives are at stake.'

'Maki's right. We don't have all the time in the world.' Rantaro added.

'Let's confirm alibis first,' Kaede suggested.

'I was with Himiko, we were watching a movie, I left for two seconds, AND THEN SHE WAS LIKE THATTTTT!!' Tenko whaled,'WHY DID I LEAVEEE!!!!!'

Maki glared at Tenko. 'That makes you most suspicious.'


'I was with Sherlock Homo, Kaegay, Cock itchy, Avocado, Maki and ass-tronaut!' Miu said.

'That's true.' Maki confirmed.

'I was with Moogs! We were looking for Korekiyo! Nyahaha!' Angie exclaimed.

'Why were you looking for Korekiyo..?' Shuichi asked, eying her suspiciously.

Tsumugi spoke in,'Rantaro asked us to.'

Rantaro nodded.

'So...did you find him?' Shuichi questioned.

'Yes yes! He was in his dorm!'

'With no one else?'

'Exactly! He was on his own! But of course, Atua was technically with him.'

'So, Kiyo, what were you doing?' Rantaro asked and all of a sudden..

A/N: This is short, I know. But I've joined a fanganronpa roleplay (danganronpa roleplay with oc's) and I'm 1.Really invested and 2.Want to write about it lol. So yeah that'll be posted soon. I'll be wayyy more inactive so I'm very sorry!!
Words: 555

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