Y/N: "Psst, hey."

As he turned around, Y/N threw him to the ground then stabbed him in the head a few times.

When he was done, he looked to his right and saw his weapons on the other side.

Y/N: "There's my weapons. Glad they didn't threw them away."

The way was covered with barbwire which Y/N did not want to go through. So he decided to take the door he spotted. He went to the next room and encountered another ganado. 

Ganado: "El ha escapado! [He's escaped]

Y/N threw the knife at him and he cried out in pain. He ran up to him and delivered a punch in the head. Then he finished him off with a kick.

After he was done, he saw the same door that leads to the room. It was shut tight but it wasn't a problem for him. Y/N kicked the door a few times with his strength until it bust open. He went in and picked up his gear.

Y/N: "Alright, we're back in business."

He walked to the other door and unlocked it. He saw the exit in the next room. However, he saw someone on the other side and unlocked the door for him. It was a man with a hood and a backpack.

???: "Over here, stranger."

He walked to the side of the entrance as Y/N decided to follow him.

Y/N: "I've been waiting to see him."

When he walked out of the building and saw the merchant behind a table with a purple fire next to it.

When he walked out of the building and saw the merchant behind a table with a purple fire next to it

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Merchant: "Let's do some business, eh?"

Y/N: "Love to."

He walked to the table.

Y/N: "Glad that you were kept in the game."

Merchant: "The game wouldn't be the same without me around. Now, what are ya buying? Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger."

Y/N: "Alright, first let's sell this stuff."

He hands out any treasures he found when he got in the village.

Merchant: "Heh, heh, heh, thank you."

Y/N: "Okay, let's see what's available." 

The only weapons he saw were a TMP and a bolt action sniper rifle. However, it didn't have a scope this time. There was also a bolt thrower but it didn't interest him. So the only thing he could buy was the TMP for something fully automatic.

He still had plenty of money left. So he upgraded the shotgun a little. He was also curious about his pistol.

Y/N: "Hey, can you upgrade this too?"

Merchant: "Of course, stranger. Gun rhymes with fun for a reason."

He took a look at it.

Merchant: "Ah, an infinite ammo weapon. It's a nice choice, stranger."

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