Chapter 11 : Angry birds

Start from the beginning

" I'm waiting ..." she said softly . 

" Uh... I can't remember everything . It was dark out and I didn't see the person's face , but he took my wallet ..." he said a shaky voice . He was obviously lying and his mother was looking at him with squinted eyes , detecting his unusual behavior . " I know it's vague information but I was scared shitless , I didn't take notice of everything !"

" Justin , how many times do I have to tell you to fix your language ? Words like that shouldn't be in your vocabulary young man . " the beautiful woman said . " No more using that kind of language in my presence okay ? "

" But I can't help it if they are already in my vocabulary . " he answered truthfully .

" That's no excuse ." his mother said sternly . She grabbed her phone , dialed a few things and turned back to her son . " Now I need you to describe the person who robbed you . Tell me how you even got to that side of town . I need details and be very clear with your descriptions . "


" Come on Justin , I don't have all day ... Just tell me what you remember ." she was growing impatient with him now .

" Are you recording me?" the heir asked his mother , his face in disbelief . " What is this ? An interrogation room ? "

" Yes I'm recording you , I need solid information from you . No person in the world will threaten my son's life and get away with it , not while I'm still alive . They should know that I don't mess around when it comes to my family . So are you ready to talk ?" she asked while placing her phone gently on the counter . " If you don't want that person to be punished for their actions then it's fine with me . I'm not the one that's gonna have nightmares at the end of the day , it's you . The ball is in your court ."

" I'd rather you not get involved mom . I'll be fine , whoever the person was wouldn't bother me again ." He lied a white lie , he knew very well that Andrew would be after him , especially now that he had something against the vampire . " Thank you for your concern though ."

" That boy that you claim saved you , is he really your friend ? " She asked her son , eyeing his every move . From the way his eyes bulged from their sockets , to the sweat on the corner of his eye . She also could see how his face tinted a bit at the mention of the asian boy .

" Yeah , we're friends . " He answered with curtness which gained his mother's suspicion . Hmm ?

" That's all he is , your friend ?" she inquired further , her blue eyes studying Justin's reaction .

" Oh for Pete's sake mom , I'm not gay !! " he shouted .

There was a tense moment in the kitchen before Justin stole a quick glance at his mother . Her face was passive as she looked at him intensely , as if trying to reach into his soul . He gulped down his frustrations and looked back at the interesting floor . Me and my big mouth , now she suspects something .

" I didn't say you were ... " she finally said , her eyes still on her son . " Perhaps there's something you're not telling me ? Should I be concerned ?"

" No , I'm definitely not hiding anything . " he answered flatly .

" I don't believe you , I know there's something you're not telling me . Whatever it is , I want to know . I'm your mother Justin , you shouldn't hide anything from me . " She made her way by his side and interlocked their fingers . " I know I haven't been the best mom to you , I know I haven't been around much and it's hard to trust me just yet . I know all that okay . But I want you to know that I am trying to be the best I could be to you . I'm working on it  . I love you Justin . "

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