Thirty-Ninth Chapter: The Show

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Charlotte, North Carolina
Record Store

Navy and all of her friends Stacey and Crystal was shopping for CD's at the record store looking for albums In the rap section.

All of a sudden they done heard a lot of people screaming far behind the girls turns around seeing everyone reaction noticing something wasn't right Crystal panicked and asked. "What are they screaming for?"

Navy looked at her other friend when she asked herself that question and that's when Navy, Stacey and Crystal saw the person walking In with a couple of bodyguards the other guy had his hair In braids and he looked familiar Navy thought and that's when she figure who It was.

Navy gasped out and said. "Wait I know that ain't who I think It is?"

"Yeah and I'm confused to why he here I thought them celebrities was secretive." Stacey said looking back at the producer.

"Me too" Crystal said looking at Scott appearance across the room.

After they saw him in the corner walking around to look for something to buy while Navy and her friends continued on minding their business but the rest of them couldn't believe Scott was there as the fans tried to get close to the superstar.

"Whoa I got so much love for my supporters but I can't take pictures right now I'm sorry." Scott said as he seen someone chasing him around.

"Move back let Scott enjoy his day off" One of Scott's bodyguard said In his deep voice getting on the fans for touching Scott's braids. "Y'all need to chill this person not here to work or sign autographs he ain't got the time right now!"

The one fan looked back at the bodyguard upset.

"Calm down you ain't got to go there I'm about to leave anyway" The Lady said as she walked away and left them.

"You see that she better get her ass on somewhere" One of the man said that was apart of Scott's entourage.

Navy was standing there with the most humble smile you ever seen she knew not to behave like some groupie around other celebrities because Devante told her to be Insensitive for moments like these.

Scott on the other hand felt bad for the lady and turned around but by the time he did that she already walked out of the store.

"Okay y'all ready to get up out of here?" Crystal finally breaks the silence In the room while ready to get In line now she was hoping they was ready to go too.

"Uh yeah I'm ready are you Stacey?" Navy said looking at Stacey stare at some other CD's while thinking did she get everything she need.

Stacey shook her head while holding a bunch of CD's In her hands she was too busy staring down at the Isley Brothers album In front of her she listen to that group when her and her husband be getting It In.

"Oh come on Stacey we don't wanna sit here and wait" Crystal said staring at Stacey as Navy looked the other way to laugh.

"Ok ladies I'm ready let me get that album I want oh here it go" Stacey said picking It up with her other hand.

"Ooh me and Devante love that album we have a lot of memories listening to that song back In the day" Navy said to her friend hi fiving her.

"Me and Kenny do too you know we something else but I ain't going to get into all that" Stacey said giggling.

"I heard that nasty" Crystal said walking behind them both as Stacey and Navy turned back around while walking to look at Crystal.

They all smiled and giggled and that's when Scott saw them coming over to his way and that's when he stopped them.  

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