"Stop thinking too much," Harry says.

Zayn looks at him in shock, "Was I thinking too loud?"

Harry puts the spoon down and answers, "Yes I could practically see the wheels whirring inside your head," And because he can't help it he makes the sound too. Zayn chuckles again, muttering an apology.

Zayn is glad Harry slept here yesterday. He would not hate waking up early in the morning if his mornings turned out to be like this. After breakfast, Harry takes out his phone.

There are strings of texts on his phone. Obviously, Niall is worried for him as usual.

Where are you?

Did you spend the night with him?

I made breakfast.

You better not eat anything.

Seriously, are you okay?

Did you fuck your client?

He answers to each one of them resolutely happy with the events. Niall is worried he knows and he always worries about Harry is the thing. Because Harry doesn't look after himself as much as he should.

Niall calls him a people pleaser something Harry used to take great pride in until Niall came into his life. He made him realize how the only person he should actually make him happy is himself. Harry has a tendency to drift away giving so much to people that he is always left with nothing to give himself and that's why he needs Niall. That's why they work while Harry takes care of others Niall takes care of him.

Just when he is done replying to his texts his phone rings and without any surprise he knows it's Jen. He has to report her back. He has to be present and submit a well-detailed report of his events last night.

He looks over at Zayn silently asking for his permission to talk and he nods in return.

"I had a blast literally," Harry chuckles answering the call. He knows she is rolling her eyes on the other side of the phone call.

"You worry a lot babe," Harry turns his head around silently watching Zayn clean up the kitchen island after their breakfast.

And because Harry is a people pleaser he goes to help Zayn. He has made food for him twice and Harry hates it because he didn't help enough. When he goes to pick up his plate Zayn gestures that he would handle it but Harry just stares back with intent in his eyes and Zayn moves back letting him help.

Harry keeps the phone tucked between his right shoulder and ear while he moves in the kitchen helping him put the dishes back in their places after Zayn washes them.

And Zayn hates it, hates how much domestic this looks. Them in their kitchen moving around like it's their own house and Harry is not just a visitor, some guy he hired to play his fake boyfriend.

Zayn hates it more because even though he won't admit it, this feeling is also something Zayn isn't. He hates feeling too comfortable in your skin.

He loves challenges and loves moving forward because all his life if he has learned one thing is to never settle. He has been running away from this feeling ever since the incident with his father. Yaser may not be a good father but he sure is Zayn's best teacher.

So he moves back as Harry arranges the last piece of utensil, " I will be right with you ma'am. But sorry love can't spend too much time together I have work sharp at 6 P.M,"

They talk a little after that but Zayn's kind of lost after that sentence. His stomach slightly churning at the information but this time not in a good way as he realizes this is it. He will now only be a distant memory, just one of his clients he had fun with and he probably won't even think about him twice when he is with someone else.

Someone who is touching him, making him scream. Harry is loud when he is being pleased always begging and teasing and Zayn doesn't like it one bit that he is not the only one who gets to see this side of him.

"Sorry about being on the phone for too long," Harry says to Zayn after ending the call.

"It's okay,"

"You know us morning people always tend to hurry up so that we would have plenty of time to get bored," he finishes. And there it is one of the many features of Harry Styles that he has come to adore. His brash honesty.

"Apology accepted," Zayn finishes unbothered at the sarcastic comment.

"Heyy," he pouts his lips puckering now prominent. "But I really do have to go now," He sighs and nods towards the bedroom to get his clothes.

A sigh erupts from Zayn too because he realizes that now this has to end, "Go ahead get ready. I will drop you,"

"Sorry can't have that," Harry rushes in. "Firstly I will be too embarrassed to have you there," he counts the reason on his finger before Zayn could interrupt him. "Secondly I would be breaking the most important rule. Never let your clients in your personal life," He says it sternly the thought he had kept repeating in his mind over and over. And because he is so honest he let's Zayn know too.

"And third and most important I don't want you getting papped at a shit hole. What kind of a boyfriend will I be? If I can't protect you from bad press," he finishes proud of himself and Zayn smiles. And even if he can get it handled before the news leaks if he gets caught in his lie it feels nice to know Harry cares.

Harry goes back inside and gets dressed in his suit from last night as Zayn answers some of his emails telling them to prepone their meetings for today.

He looks absolutely gorgeous in his suit. He shines in daylight and it's almost not possible for Harry to not shine at any point in the day Zayn knows. Harry doesn't hesitate when he goes and kisses Zayn hard on the mouth, licking his bottom lip, savoring the taste of Zayn Malik for the rest of the time he won't be allowed to and denies him entry into his mouth because Harry wants Zayn to remember him for at least a little amount of time.

So he gives himself this, let's him have this moment. Even if he did live all his life thinking about this moment with him at least Zayn will think about him even if it's for a little bit.

He would do anything to steal some of the moments with Zayn, for Zayn. He would absolutely.

"Listen I had a great time last night," Harry says when they move apart. "And this morning,"

Zayn wants to tell him that they didn't even do anything here. They just had breakfast and Harry helped him with dishes when it clicks in his mind maybe Harry felt that odd feeling too back in his kitchen and maybe he is afraid of this feeling too.

It feels good to know he isn't the only one in this world.

"If you need me, babe, just call me, okay? You have my number use it," Harry says his final goodbye hoping Zayn would use it. Maybe call him, send him a text asking if he is okay, and safe when he reaches his apartment right when he leaves here.

But he knows Zayn won't because these are things you do for someone you care about and all Zayn and Harry have between them in this ridiculous contract and now it's over.

Zayn moves away and so does Harry. As he moves towards the door he wants to say more thank Zayn for being there for him even if he did fuck up occasionally and thank him for being so considerate and good to him thank him for all the food and everything but he doesn't because he needs to stop caring so much about Zayn Malik.

Zayn does ask him how far he lives and Harry shrugs saying he would need at least half an hour to reach his apartment. Zayn just nods and doesn't say anything else when they depart.

Right at the thirty-first minute, Harry's phone dings as he is entering his apartment with a text and he thinks it's Jen again.

"Hope you reached safely. Take Care, Harry," He is an idiot for reading a bunch of words over and over again.

Maybe he cares a little. 

End Of Us- ZarryWhere stories live. Discover now