New Kid.

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As I said! Most of this story will be told in Goh's POV, And I will clarify if otherwise. (Btw! All the characters are aged 4-5 years up, and in high school! They start out as ten and 11 in this story tho, don't worry.)

I wake up after my mom walked in, opening my curtains, "Five more minutes..." I say, half asleep. "No, no 'five more minutes'. You've said that 6 times!" I sit up and rub my eyes, yawning in the process. I go to brush my teeth and take a shower.

*time skip to him about to leave*

"Love you mom!" I shout to her,
"Love you too Goh, have a good day at school!"
I walk outside to see Chloe, my best friend, waving to me, gesturing to come over to her.
"Hey Goh!!"
She shouts towards me, "Hey Chloe!" I wave to her, immediately running up starting up a conversation like flint and steel.

"What's up?" I say, her eyes light up and she stares towards me, smiling again. "Didnt you hear? There's a new kid today!!" She say. "Really?" I reply, "Actually..two new kids! A boy and a girl from a town called pallet town."
Hm, I guess I do have a chance in making new friends. And Chloe too! Lets just hope it doesn't drive us apart.

*in class cause im lazzyyy*

I walk into class but Chloe sadly doesn't take the same classes as me, so it was just me and this kid, Gary I think his name was? Anyways, im sitting in class and the professor wasn't there yet, I was wondering what was taking so long. He finally walked in, two students walking in, a boy and a girl, "Hello students! I am happy to announce some new peere joining today, would you like to introduce yourself?" He asked the two kids. "Sure!" The girl says, "okay!" The boy says back, smiling at the girl enthusiastically. They both walk to the front of the class and I get to make out what they actually look like now— The boy had dark hair, I couldn't tell if it was black or brown from where I was sitting. He had a tanned skin and two little lighting bolts under his eyes, like a blush of some sort. He was wearing a red cap and a blue vest with a pocket near his shoulder. The girl had dark blue hair and a hat that was a pale Coralish-pink colour and white. She was wearing a black and pink dress with a red scarf, flowing down her shoulders. She starts to talk, striking a unusual pose in the process. "Im Dawn Berlitz! And this is my best friend—" the boy cuts her off, " Im Ash Ketchum!" His voice has a bit of a rasp to it and its kind of cute—Wait..what Am I thinking?? He's barely been here 5 minutes and im already crushing on him?? Of course.. Anyways.. He shoves Dawn away from the center of the room, her pushing him back, and them suddenly showing off into a laughing fit, im so confused right now, what is going on?? "Sorry about that, he's a little cray-cray." He shoves her again, "Im cray-Cray?? Your the one who almost threw up before we got in here, and now look at your confidence rate." She looks at him with a very obviously fake offended face. "How dare you?? I feel attacked!!" The class starts giggling at them and with them and the teacher then tells them to go to their seats— Ash sitting next to me..of course. And Dawn sitting next to Misty, they already started talking but I was flushed at how cute ash was, "Hi! Im Ash!" He says, holding out his hand in a energetic way. I shake his hand, giggling. "Goh." I say. "Cool name!"
"Thanks!" I reply, He seems so at home even though he just moved here. I have to show hospitality. "Wanna be friends?" well of course I would say yeah, what reason is there to say no? I nod my head and he starts squealing quietly, I laugh at him, "what's wrong?" I ask, "Nothing! Its just—I cant believe I made a friend this fast—its honestly scary..even to me!!" He says, scratching the back of his head.
"Honestly I relate to that. I'm not very talkative when it comes to school..or making friends.."
I mumbled the last part, not really wanting Ash to hear. "Well, that's ok! I can be a whole new friend to you, I might be a little annoying at times but it's usually when I'm trying to. Heh."
He says, I giggled, I looked at his face again, he was surprisingly cute. But this guy was the straightest of straight people I've ever met. No chance. "Sounds..good..? I can't really tell If that's a warning or not." I say, still chuckling a bit. He laughed softly and put a hand on his hip. "I'll take whatever you consider it as."

Huh. New kid's got some charm..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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