I Jinxed Your Death: Boat Boys Angst

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Joel's Perspective-

That was the happiest day of my life.

Even now I constantly think back to it and get a fluttery feeling in my heart.

But that feeling is always followed by a crushing, heartbreaking feeling.


Well, that's because I jinxed it.

I remember telling people it was the happiest day of my life and that nothing would change that.

You see, my childhood was always pretty rough.

I never seemed to have a good moment without something going wrong.

But that day, my wedding day, I thought things were finally changing.

Things were finally looking up for me.


I was wrong.

Because only four days,

Four days,

After my wedding, he died.


The love of my life,

My soulmate.


Four days after the happiest day of my life.

I jinxed it.

I know I did.

I kept telling people, telling him, that for the first time ever, I had a happy moment without something wrong going on.

And then he died.

I like to think he's still with us, but I know ghosts don't exist.

Even now, years after the accident, I still like to think that he's still with me.

That he's still here.

I always like to visit his grave after work when it's a holiday or maybe our anniversary and I just talk.

I know no one's there, but I do it anyway.

I like to think that I'm talking to him.

I talk about...anything really.

What's been happening, how I've been doing, things like that.

And then I always tell him about how I've been dealing with his death.

I don't know why I do, but it feels nice to get that off of my chest.

Each time I visit his grave and talk, it seems to get better.

Like I'm dealing with his death better than I was before.

I remember when I first visited his grave and spent hours there.

Just crying.

My parents had come with me, and it took them half an hour before they convinced me to go home and get some rest.

But now, I can talk about it easily.

Well, it still hurts, but not like it used to.

I remember not even being able to go home.

We used to live together and going home was like a reminder that I was all alone now and that he was gone forever.

But now I know that I'm not alone.

All my friends and family are here with me, and they helped me out a lot during those bad times.

And now it's a lot better.

I'll always have those days when I just spend the entire day grieving on his death, but I'm recovering.

Slowly but steadily.

But I will always miss him.

But I will never forget him.

And I will never stop loving him.

I love you Etho.

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