Propsal: Boat Boys Fluff

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Etho's Perspective-

Come on, Etho. You got this. You and Joel have been dating for what...five, six years? Joel loves you.

I smiled nervously as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was just wearing my normal attire; except I took the mask off.

I didn't need it today as Joel was going to pick me up for us to go on our sailboat together.

I then saw the black box on my dresser.

I picked it up and opened it.

Inside was a gold ring that I would (hopefully) be proposing to Joel with.

Just then, Joel knocked on the door, causing me to jump.

"You coming?" He asked, smiling at me.

I quickly shut the box and stuffed it in my pocket, smiling nervously at Joel.


He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Great, let's go." He held my hand and led me out the door.


Joel was talking to me about his day as we walked onto the beach.

The sun was setting, and the beach was pretty much empty.

I smiled softly as I told myself to do it.


I snapped back and saw Joel's concerned face.

"You alright?" Joel asked.

I nodded, "Yep!"

Joel didn't look convinced, and he held my hand as we walked to our sailboat.

"You can tell me when anything's wrong, you know that, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"I know, Joel."

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Good. Now come on, help me with the sails."


I smiled and leaned on Joel's shoulder as we started to sail at a stable pace.

"I love you." I said softly.

Joel smiled and held my hand, "I love you to."

"Now is there something wrong?" He asked after a second of silence.

"What do you mean?"

"You seems like you've got something on my mind.

Do it.

"Well...yeah there is something that's been bothering me." I said, sitting up.

"What's that?" Joel asked, looking a bit concerned.

I put my hand in my pocket and my grip tightened on the box.

"I...well there's this question I need to ask you."

"You can ask me anything." Joel said, smiling the sweet and soft smile which made me blush.

"I..." I took a deep breath and looked at Joel.

Joel tilted his head to the side as he watched me stand up and get on one knee.

His eyes widened and I blushed.

"Joel, you've made me feel things I never really had felt before. Loved. Happiness. And most of all, a feeling that I wasn't lost anymore. I don't know what I would do with myself if you ever left me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I took a deep breath and took out the box, opening it.

"Will you, Joel Beans, marry me?"

Joel smiled as he leaned in and pulled me into a kiss.

I smiled and kissed back.

"Of course, I would marry you." Joel said as we broke apart.

I smiled and watched as Joel took the box.

I thought he was going to wear it, but he instead closed the box and placed it down next to him.

He then smirked as he pushed me into the water.

I gasped as I got soaked.

"JOEL!" I shouted and watched as Joel laughed.

I swam over to him and shot him a look.

Joel smiled and pulled me up.

"I love youuuu." He said, lightly bumping into me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, dork." I said as I kissed his forehead.

Joel smiled and held my hand.

I blushed and smiled back.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

The Night That Changed My Life Themed One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now