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I saw him sitting at a tree in Liyue... 

"what are you doing here?" he asked 

"You know why I'm here don't play innocent."

"Alright, You can't understand what's happening. And you didn't need to. since I'm going to Semaru maybe you want to help your traveler at the chasm cause he got trapped. " He said

"why are you doing this scara?"

"I'm created to be a god Kazu. You know that someday I will get that big responsibility again."

"Scara. you're created to have your own life. The shogun set you free so you can have fun and have your own life."

he laughed and shook his head

"you know what I talked with my mother before... ah it is our anniversary that time yes! do you know what she said? She said I could not be her successor because I'm a failure and that she shows some mercy to a failed puppet of hers that I'm not her child."

I was stunned that day... he did come home with a miserable look but I didn't bother to ask her if he was alright cause my friend just died and he forgot our anniversary

"She... said that?"

But I thought she said...

"of course why would I lie? Since then I know I can be a god a god that no one can defeat. "

No why would he want to be a god has a lot of responsibility and you just cant make your self a god because you want to.

"scara. You don't have to be a god."

' Yes, I need to. And you are not in any position to decide.''

"I'll see you after the process."He said and leave me with a peck then he... left like an air.

scara... what are you thinking. I still don't understand you. You know your better than that i missed you no missed my best friend my love i don't know why are you doing this

I went to Sumaru after a week I found out that the traveler is also in the summer. I stayed there for weeks and months. but then I saw no trace of him. then I saw the traveler talking with a group of people about... the god or the big project of the Akademia.

"Scara... what the fuck?"

I noticed how the traveler is going against the akademia. Is dangerous Akademia ruling the sumeru? 

I received a message from my mother and I need to go back to Liyue. I honestly want to find him a the Akademia but if I don't get my ass at the Liyue I know they'll be furious and might come at Sumeru.

I rushed to the liyue since it's not that far from Sumeru I just got there before the sunset. liyue is peaceful it is.

"Mother," I said when I got back to my mothers' house.

"Kazu I hear that you were in Sumeru. For him."

"yes, Mother he was planning something bad."

"Oh dear he was born bad." mother ningning said

He was not a bad guy he was just hurt and misunderstood.

"no, he was not mother"

"he is, son you know why he was planning bad things so he could rule the whole teyvat."

No, he doesn't want he just thinks he fails his goal or reasons to be alive.

"Mother he has reasons"

"oh wow yeah of course he will tell you reasons because he was using you and you are so dumb for not knowing it."

He loves me I know that he said hell comeback which means he loves me and he just wants to show Shogun that he can bed successfully handle the responsibility she didn't give him.

"you don't even know his reasons mother ning!"

"Yeah... do I need to know? no, I don't need to know I want you to never leave Liyue until he got killed or arrested do you hear me kazuha?"

what? he'll get arrested or killed that can't be happening they don't understand his reasons!

"But mother ning!"

"I mean what I said Kazu and if you dare to disobey me ill have my own ways to kill him do you understand?"

This is messed up how can I talk to him and bring him back home when they didn't let me go I need to save scara I know that he's just angry with his mother and just want to prove that he can do what she said he cant

"Yes .... mother ning 

"(sigh*) NIngning stop being harsh on Kazu."

"Capt beidou. I don't want to see my son on the cruise or outside liyue until that troublemaker got arrested I hope you understand?"

"Yes of course I do my love." He then nods at my mother and kisses her hand. lesbians.

"And you kazu I want you to Move On and stop being his shadow."

"But mother you know I tried so hard to forget him you even ask me to get a girlfriend and set me up but did it work it didn't. So even if you get me a thousand arranged marriages or whatsoever I won't forget him. I cannot''

"yes, you can."She said and she stand up.

"fix yourself we got meetings to do. You need to focus on your passion or on our business."She said and asked her assistants to help me dress up.

"Kid she just worried about you getting involve at Sumeru we just heard how many people went insane there."

Yeah, I saw many scholars get sent somewhere and I think they went crazy after something like a ritual I guess  Scara please be safe until I find ways to go there. I know I cannot disobey my mother or it's gonna be worse. Please archos help me protect scara

Traveler please do your best to stop him and please have mercy on him he doesn't klnopw what he was doing he need someone to love him sand say that he wasenough tat he doesn't need to be someone he desnt want to be because of his mother.

moshi moshi so um kinda busy with life hehehhe


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