Caput VI

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Hogwarts - Headmaster's office - 1997 - 7:42 pm

The new transfers where sorted into their houses, most where harmless, but some where destined for death.

Albus Dumbledore saw the Riddle twins as the threat, leading the group from the shadows. If only he looked closer.

Fillius Flitwick saw something dark and chaotic in Grindelwarld's descendant. Something kept on a leash, held by Hadrian Black.

Minerva MGonagal fell prey to the charming and aloof fake personas of the knights, praised them for their skill. But an unsettling feeling arose around Ciobanu, a boy too similar to a vampire. A vampire king.

Horace Slughorn made a mistake, trusting Tom Marvolo Riddle, a mistake he would not make again with Mattheo and Thomas Riddle.
A mistake he would make with Hadrian Black, a boy he thought to be a puppet for the twins.

Severus Snape knew what the other professors did not. The knights where no threat, only the one who held the leash was.

Hadrian Black.

He was the next dark lord, who would rise where Grindelwarld failed, who would slaughter Voldemort easily, Hadrian Black would rule all that breathed, all that thought, and all he saw.

Romania - 1639 - sunset ( 6:01 pm )

P.O.V ; a servant of the Impaler

The old Transylvanian castle belonged to new mortals, ones his master would feed from soon. These ones where affluent, and had maegyk, something thought to be lost for a millennium.

P.O.V ; Vladimir Dracula the Impaler

He sensed them. Mages of old, maegyk coursing throughout their blood.
The servants would bring them to him soon.
None would feast.
His mate would be distraught to have the first impression of him draining her family to fleshy, bone filled husks.
She smelled of oceans and oil paints, warm loaves of bread and lemons.

Pitter- pattering of light footsteps.
Sun-blessed skin, dark oak waves flowing from her head. Cautious, but intrigued maroon eyes drifted slowly around the chambers eyeing the faded ancient tapestries, crumbling marble statues of his family, and the coffin he lay in prior to the moon rise.


Her voice sounded of honey and had a soft tone, one used when cautious of something. One used when happy about something.

The embrace felt warm. A feeling unknown to his kind. A feeling to familiar to hers.

Not sure how I feel about the first part, I normally write in P.O.V style rather than 3rd person ( it's more Katie's thing )

This chapter is more of a filler than anything else, and gives some insight into the Professors opinions about the Tenebris Equites and hints (heavily) at Vladimir Ciobanu's family history.

I am considering a spin off of Vladimir Dracula + His mate but will finish Tenebris Equites first. Katie mentioned randomised updates and I don't think either of us thought we would be updating so soon.

I will see who updates first and how it goes ( Katie + I share an account as we didn't really want to bother with 2 and this way it is easier to know what the other writes )

- Sage ♡

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