Part 26 - Dinner's News

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Georgie's POV:
We were all sitting down for dinner, Jack, Lisa, Lyndy, Katie, Mom and Dad. Lyndy had come back to Heartland instead of going to Ty's, saying that it was too much too soon. Everyone understood, but I was sceptical. Lyndy wasn't unsure about anything, if she wanted to do it, she would. She didn't believe in 'too much too soon'. She was just like Amy. I was sitting next to Quinn, nibbling at my stew. "This is really good Jack." I said, eating another spoonful. Jack smiled at me. "Thank you Georgie! Your the only one who appreciates my cooking." Jack says, looking at everyone else at the table. "It's great, GG." Lyndy mumbled as she continued eating. She had her phone under the table, reading something as she ate. Nobody but me knew when Lyndy was on her phone under the table, she was good at hiding it. "Um, I... we... have something to say." I said, grabbing Quinn's hand. He smiled and nodded at me. I took a breath. "I'm pregnant. With Quinn's baby." I said. Lyndy's face lit up, Jack beamed at me, so did Lisa, Katie squealed and Dad kind of glared at Quinn but not in an angry way and Mom looked at me, mouth gaping open. My smile faltered before there was an eruption of 'congratulations'. Jack stood up and gave me a hug, Lisa followed suit, then Katie, the Lyndy, then Dad and finally Mom. "Do you know the gender? How far along are you? Have you picked out names? Have you thought-" Mon started firing questions at me. I laughed before answering. "I'm 13 weeks along, we don't know the gender yet and we haven't picked a name yet, we only know it'll be Morris McGregor." I said, smiling at everyone. Mom gasped, her hands at her face. "You're nearly showing!" She said, running up to give me a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. "We were, um, also thinking that we could maybe stay in the loft for the next few months?" I asked nervously. Jack, Lisa and Mon all nodded, smiling like maniacs, but Lyndy was standing back from everyone. "Are you ok with it Lyndy? I know that Ty and Amy did up the loft..." I said, dying off. Lyndy snapped out of whatever daydream she was in and beamed at me. "Yeah, no, of course! You can stay in the loft as long as you want." She said, smiling at me. I nodded. Mom was crying now, wiping the tears away. "I'm okay, I'm okay." She muttered, hugging me again.
"What about... Noah?" Quinn asked. I thought about it. "Noah Morris McGregor." I said out loud. Quinn wrinkled his nose. "It's on the list." I said, writing it down on the pad of paper in front of me. So far we had Noah and Emily. We were laying on the bed in the loft, picking out baby names. I was hoping for a girl, because I wanted to have Amy's name in there somewhere. Emily Amy Morris McGregor. It didn't sound right, I thought. Rosie Amy Morris McGregor. Nope, that that either. "I know what you're thinking." Quinn said, closing his eyes. "Oh yeah? What was I thinking?" I asked, grinning. "You were thinking of how to add Amy's name into our baby's name, am I right?" He asked, and I could hear the grin in his voice. "You're right." I admitted. He nodded before continuing. "And I already said that you could name the baby Amy if it's a girl." He said. It was true, Quinn had told me that we could name the baby Amy if it was a girl. I nodded. "I just... I don't want to make everyone upset when they call her. Or him." I add, still unsure if it was a girl or not. Quinn nodded, kissing my head. "You could always ask them, tell them your idea and see what they think." He said, his voice think with sleep. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, so I knew he was tired. I scrolled on my phone while I wait to hear his snores. Once I do, I sneak out of the bed, pulling in a pair of loose trousers and an oversized hoodie on before heading to the house. "Hey Jack? Mom? Could I ask you something?" I say from the kitchen, waiting for there answer. They nodded, waving me in. I sat beside the fire, the heat seeping through my clothes. I took a breath. "Me and Quinn were looking at some baby names." I say, waiting for a response. Mom nodded. "Have you found one? A name?" She asked. I shook my head, then hesitated, then nodded. "I have a name picked, a full name, and Quinn likes it, but I want your opinion. Both of you." I said. Jack leaned forward, elbows on his knees. I hesitated, again. "Amy Rose Morris McGregor..." I said quietly. Mom smiled, her hand covering her mouth. "It's beautiful, Georgie, it really is." She whispered. I turned to Jack. "That's really nice Georgie, but it wouldn't be us that would be affected by it." He said, smiling and nodding his head to the stairs. I nodded, knowing I had to ask Lyndy. "Is she awake?" I asked. They nodded. I stood up, walking up the stairs slowly and quietly. I was about to knock on the door, but I heard Lyndy crying on the phone. I was about to walk in, but then I heard something that shocked me, and made my heart ache for her.

Author's Note:
Hey Everyone! As previously mentioned, I'm back! I've got a load of idea's, but I'm still open to your ideas. Can anyone guess what's up with Lyndy? Or what Georgie overheard Lyndy say? Let me know in the comments!! Thanks for reading!!

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