-Mother knows-

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A little less than an hour had passed since the conversation with Tsireya and the recollection of those past memories. Meaning that Ao'nung had at least an hour and a half before he had to say goodbye to her and the Sully family.

 To put it simply his nerves and feelings were all a jumbled mess, he spent a good amount of time pacing the shoreline. Which warranted curious looks from the Metkayina passing by. He couldn't help it if he kicked sand and threw rocks. It was just a way of expressing his emotions, sure it wasn't a good way of going about it but it was sure as hell better than before.

 Before when he would take it out on others in a less than peaceful way. When he took it out on all the Sully's for things they had no control of. Instead of treating him like he treated them Neteyam showed him love. Neteyam had even taught him ways to calm down. He showed him some breathing methods, showered him with affection, and even talked him through his emotions.

And now- well he had nobody to do that for him. Actually that wasn't true but it just wasn't the same when his parents or Tsireya did it. His parents could look at each other once and a whole mountain of words would have been shared between them.

 That's how the relationship with Neteyam and him was, they had a special understanding between them. They understood each others social cues like how when Ao'nung laughed at a specific pitch it usually meant he didn't find whatever it was funny. Or how when Neteyam's hand would thread through his own hair mid conversation it meant he was uncomfortable. It was simple things like that that would mean nothing to anyone else but meant the world to them. His whole world was gone, leaving and taking with it all he had left. 

The air surrounding Ao'nung was suffocating, his own thoughts were suffocating. Ao'nung was quickly pulled out of his own head with the touch of a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

"You have a heavy conscious and a heart full of regret, tell me my son, don't keep it in."Her soothing voice sounded throughout the air creating an echo into the distance. This voice usually held authority and command whenever directed at him, but now it held the comfort of a mother and Tsahik. Ao'nung took a long deep breath in and buried his face into his mothers awaiting embrace. The tears came like a flood and Ronal wiped each one with her calloused fingers. Callouses made from the treacherous trainings of Tsahik, being a protector of her people, and being a mother to her children.  

"Tell me why you wish not to go, what is holding you back?" she asked as she brushed a stray strand of hair from Ao'nung's face. Her hand grabbed Ao'nung's chin and brought his gaze to look at her in the eyes. Her motherly gaze was a sharp contrast from Ao'nung's puffy tired one.

Ao'nung sucked in a breath and diverted his eyes from hers, his voice came out shaky and unstable. "I have responsibilities here as the Olo'eyktan's child. I can't leave my clan for reasons as selfish as mine. I also wouldn't dare to leave you and dad who have sacrificed so much just for me to pack up a-"

Ao'nung was cut off with a sharp hiss, his whole entire body froze and he shut his eyes tightly. Of course, he had managed to upset one of the last people he had. He reluctantly opened his eyes to meet a fierce glare but was met with tear filled eyes instead.

"How is it that you can only think of others? I want you to be selfish Ao'nung, I want you to live for yourself and your happiness, not others. Your father and I will manage just fine in whatever decision you choose to make, but don't hold yourself back for others. What did I tell you and Tsireya when you were younger, did you forget?"

Ao'nung's muscles relaxed and his eyes shut while he let free a small smile. 

"Reach for the the farthest shells in the ocean-"

"Because they are yours to grab." Ronal added as she tugged Ao'nung deeper into her embrace. Her arms circled around him and held tight. 

A comfortable silence overtook them both as they lay still in each others embrace. His mother placed a kiss on his forehead as she spoke. "What do you choose? And I ask what you truly want deep in your heart. What is it Ao'nung?"

"I choose him..." He let out a small breathy chuckle. "I just don't think he'll choose me anymore." 

His mother grinned and released her hold on Ao'nung. "I wouldn't be so sure."

Ao'nung's hands fell to his sides and started fidgeting with his song chord "No mom you don't understand, we had a big fight and I said stuff I didn't mean, and now he probably hates me."

A voice came from behind him. "Nothing could ever make me hate you Ao', not anything in the world could ever make me hate you." 

Ronal placed her hands on Ao'nung and turned him in the direction of Neteyam's voice. Ao'nungs eyes filled with tears when he caught sight of Neteyam standing before him. "How could you not hate me for what I did and what I said? Even I hate myself Teyam..." Ao'nung whispered into the crisp air, dark blue hands came forward and wiped Ao'nung's blurry eyes gently. A small kiss was placed at the corner of Ao'nung's mouth by the darker Na'vi. 

"I was upset at what you said I won't deny that. So upset that I didn't bother hearing you out, but not at any point did I ever hate you. Someone else just had to open my eyes to that." Neteyam said as he smiled at Ronal. 

Ao'nung leaned deeper into Neteyam's hold not wanting to lose it again. Ao'nung's eyes widened and he looked at his mother in shock. "Mom?"

Ronal let out a hearty chuckle and brought a hand to cover her face. Once she had gotten her composure did she begin to speak. "I was close enough to your marui that day to hear what was going on. I may not know every living thing that walks on this planet but I for sure know my son. I know how you think Ao'nung, and I know how selfless you can be."

Reluctantly Ao'nung slithered out of Neteyam's hold and embraced his mom tightly. He let out chants of thanks, praises, and 'I love you's' into the surrounding air and into his mother's ear. 

Ao'nung eventually let go and returned to Neteyam's side which he glued himself to.

"but how did you know I didn't mean all that stuff without even conversing with me?" Ao'nung asked with his face scrunched up in confusion and questioning. 

Ronal started into a fit of laughter that left Neteyam and Ao'nung looking at each other. 

"You break up with Neteyam? I know how crazy you go over him, and you to simply let him go?" Ao'nung and Neteyam's faces blushed simultaneously and Ronal let out more laughter. 

"What can I say? A mother knows."

As soon as Ronal said that she winked and started walking in the direction of her marui. A pleased look on her face, a hand on her growing belly, and a smile for all to see.

That left Ao'nung and Neteyam alone together. Ao'nung leaned into Neteyam's chest and Neteyam let out a purr. Both of them erupted into a fit of laughter at the situation before kissing each other softly by the crashing waves. "So this means you'll come with me?" Neteyam asked with a hopeful tone.

Ao'nung lifted his head and brought his forehead to Neteyam's. "Yes"

"I love you." Neteyam whispered into Ao'nungs ear.

"I love you too." Ao'nung whispered back.

And if they stayed in each others embrace with the sun beating on their backs for ten whole minutes that's for them to know. And if as soon as those ten minutes were up and they sped to their marui to pack up Ao'nung's belongings, well that's also just for them to know. 

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