Chapter Two

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The next morning chaos erupted. Lisa's phone with a sound of a goat screaming, rang like 3 times before it managed to wake both her and Jungkook up. They were very heavy sleepers and he had fallen asleep there like usual, she was asleep on her side and he was almost on top of her, asleep on his stomach.

''For fuck's sake, Lisa,'' he grumbled at the sound of her ringtone as she picked it up.

''Manager oppa? What? Oh right! On my way!'' she jumped sitting up, looking at the half asleep Jungkook next to her. ''Okay!'' and hung up the call. ''Yah! Wake up!''

He moved a bit, eyes half closed as he looked at her, ''What?''

''I have a music video shoot and I forgot!'' she was panicking as she got out of the bed.

Jungkook noticed that, ''how can you forget a music video-'' her death stare made him not finish his sentence because he knew how mad she would get. Lisa saw herself in the mirror in his room and took a deep breath. ''I don't have time! I don't have my things, oh my god! I look like a mess, how could I forget!''

''Relax,'' he said rubbing his eyes from the sleep, ''go take a shower, you have some clothes here and I'll drive you there in 10mins,'' he sat up, speaking calmly in contrast to the panicked blonde girl.

Lisa didn't even need a second suggestion but made her way to his bathroom which was practically half hers.

A few minutes later, they were in his SUV, making their way to the music video site.

''Step on the damn gas pedal, Jeon, we'll be late!''

''First of all, we are already late because some people didn't set their alarm on time, second of all, the light is red, manobaN. Talk to me about gas pedals when you get your driver's license,'' he snapped back, checking his side mirror.

Lisa hated when he purposefully called her manoban, with the n, because it was actually an L, ''like you're the best driver, please! Anyone can be this slow!'' the fun times were exactly these, because they knew each other's irritations and pushed each other's buttons the same way.

He shook his head lightly, when the light turned green, he purposefully held the brake, stalling the line of cars behind them. Smirking, he looked over to Lisa, whose head was fuming.

''I swear I'm going to cut your balls off, you jackass!'' she threatened, Jungkook remaining with the damn smirk, satisfied with himself.

On the way, he made a stop near a convenience store.

''What the hell? What now, you need tampons for your period?!'' Lisa attacked but he didn't answer, instead unbuckled his seatbelt and got off the car, leaving angry Lisa there. ''I will drive this car myself, you idiot! Don't provoke me!''

Jungkook returned 2 minutes later, dropped a bag on the backseat and sat on his driver's seat again, starting the car and expecting an earful. Instead, Lisa didn't say anything, she looked through the window.

''Come on, yell. You know you want to,'' he smirked, knowing her like the back of his hand. She remained silent. ''I thought you would drive this car yourself, what happened?'' he provoked, imitating her voice, while focusing on the road.

His smirk slowly faded, realizing she was angry. He parked in front of the site swiftly and Lisa unbuckled her seatbelt with the speed of light, ready to open the door any second and leave the car, but Kook locked the doors. She tried and realized it, not looking at him even.

''We're here.''

''Unlock the door now.''

''Look at me.''

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