Chapter 1: A Fated Meeting

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The loud cheers of the guild fill the whole building, and the smell of beer and wine from the adventurers pollute the air of the Guild. Some are drinking while others are sitting in the corner, eating and talking to each other. However, at one of the specific tables, a brown-haired man wearing a green and black tracksuit sat miserably on his seat, and opposite from him was a bored blue-haired girl, wearing a blue sailor outfit.

The brown-haired man sighed, as he looks at the blue-haired girl.

"It's been a while since we've posted that recruitment poster... Hey, Aqua, what did you put in the poster?" The brown-haired man asked as the blue-haired girl named Aqua shifted her attention to him, she then slid a piece of paper on the table and slide it towards the man.

The paper was the recruitment poster itself, and the design was crudely drawn, similar to a kindergartener who discovered what a crayon was. Not only that, the one that pissed off the brown-haired man was a very high requirement, in order to join their party. Aqua was the only one who had an advanced class in his party.

"What the hell is this?! How will people join our party if they have to pass a damn high requirement?!" He angrily yelled as he slammed the paper on the table, spooking Aqua on her seat.

"B-B-But Kazuma! You have an Arch Priest at your party! It's only logical for a Goddess like me shall be surrounded by high-level and advanced-class adventu- Gaaah!" Aqua's words were cut short, as Kazuma was pinching her cheeks, trying to pull them apart due to the sheer stupidity of this useless Goddess.

"That's the damn point! No way in their right mind would a high-level adventurer would join a lowly party-" His words were cut short, as someone cleared their throat. Kazuma and Aqua looked from the source and saw two people standing in front of them.

"Do we have to do this?" A low mutter from the young boy whispered unto the young girl's ears but was completely met with a gut onto the stomach. The young boy gripped his stomach in pain, the young girl cleared her throat.

"We happen to notice your recruitment poster!" The young girl said as Kazuma and Aqua saw her walk even closer.

"I believe you're the party leader? Well, fate seems to have a way with coincidence, as our paths intertwined..." The young girl did a pose as she places her right hand on her face and her left hand under her right elbow.

"Oh, how rude of me! Let me introduce myself!" She spread her arms and starts to do some weird pose once again.

"I am Megumin! The Arch-Wizard who wields the most powerful offensive magic in this world!" She yelled as her red crimson eyes glowed brightly, the young boy who was elbowed in the gut earlier appeared behind her and smacked her on the head. Causing Megumin to clutch her head in pain.

"That's for elbowing my gut." The young boy only said, as Megumin glared at him and grit her teeth.

"You ruined my awesome introduction!" Megumin yelled as the young boy ignored her. The black-haired boy seems to observe Kazuma and Aqua, his red crimson eyes were piercing through their chest, and Kazuma felt a chill run down his spine.

"Oi... What's this kid's problem?" He thought as Kazuma was a little unnerved by the young boy.

"It's rude to stare at people you know? Don't you know that if you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back?" Megumin spoke as she went back to her awesome demeanor. A long pause echoed throughout the guild, as Kazuma and Aqua looked at each other and back to the two.

"Are you here to mess with us?" They both asked in unison, as this shocked Megumin, and Akumin stifled a snicker. Aqua notices that both have crimson eyes, she points at the two and tilts her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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