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A/N - every remembering will be in italic and bracket

                  On a snowing covered mountain, two horses is running for freedom with two women as their passages. One woman is wearing a sweeping white robe and is sitting atop one the horses, and the other woman is wearing a dark clock sitting atop the other horse. Their horses was running along the mountain for freedom till they reach a forest, the women horses never slowing down or stop, they are always at a gallop.
    The woman in white appears happy, as if she can taste their freedom, only to have her face drop when an arrow goes past her head barely missing her. Both women look back to see at least five men chasing them, and catching up with them quickly from the rear. They look like soldiers, arrows, swords and chainmail.

First Solider:"Get the girls!" He commanded

      Another soldier raises his loaded bow and points it at the women. He fires at them, only to have his bolt stick into a tree. Both women continue to push their horses harder and faster to evade their pursuers. The woman in white ducks her head at just the right moment to have an arrow
sail right pass where her head had just been.
    The first soldier draws his sword and pushes his horse to catch up with the woman in black. He swings his sword at her head only to have her duck at the last moment and miss his blow. The woman in white removes a dagger from her cloak and throws it at the solider where it loges in his chest and knocking him from his horse.
    The woman in black share a look of gratitude with the one in white but they didn't not slow down.
   Another soldier loads his bow and takes aim at the back of the retreating figures. His aim was true, he was able to hits the woman in black at the center of her back causing her to arc with the pain. The woman leans forward attempting to stay on her steed, and it was only then, that her companion took notices that the other woman has been gravely injured and looks at her in horror. The woman in black is barely able to keep a hold on her horse, but she manages.

Woman in White:"Hold on Dennee! Stay with me!"  She said

     They turn in the woods and exit from them and enter a area fill with large sand dune. Dennee (is the name of the woman in dark clock) is trying to stay on her steed but she could no longer keep a hold on her steed. She falls off her horse at the top of a dune and tumbles down along the sand to the bottom where there is a small stream.

    The woman in white notices that her companion is no longer on her horse and rides back to where her campanion has fell and jumps off her own horse.

Woman in White:"Dennee!" She said while running down the dune to where Dennee is lying still in the water. The woman in white gently turns over her companion to check for if she is still alive.

Woman in White:"Dennee!" She called while shakes her softly and then calling out again to the other woman "Dennee!"

     There was blood running out of the corner of Dennee mouth as she woke up, she weakly brought out a leather book giving it to the woman in white, the book was strapped shut.

Dennee:"Take it." She said, force it's into the other woman hands. "Take the book...I can't."  She repeated, The woman in white shakes her head slowly. "It's more important than me, you know that. Please - take it."

Woman in White gently hold onto Dennee's head with tears in her eyes

Woman in white:"May the spirits protect you, little sister". She said getting emotional.

Dennee look beyond the woman in white and sees something.

Dennee:"Kahlan!" She called out

       The woman in white, who is found now know as Kahlan looks to where her sister indicated and sees three of the soldiers standing at the top of the dune looking at them both.

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