1. Public Speaking Tips

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Public speaking falls under debating, speaking contests, oral presentations at school etc. This chapter will specifically target your manner, which is your actual speaking, not what you are speaking about. 

It can also be hard to know what to do when it is your first time public speaking. Now I know it's not as easy as saying "Stand up straight and don't be nervous" because no matter if it's your first time or not, you will be somewhat nervous. 

Now to begin a set of tips...

- Practise! 

Being prepared is a crucial part of if you want to deliver a speech well, you must repeat your speech numerous times and try to know it off by heart till the last minute and this is normally because you left your speech to the last minute. No matter if you have 10 weeks until you need to do your speech, don't wait and say "Well I have a while, I'm going to take a break". You need to begin preparing your speech as early as you can so that you are not stressed out for time. A good way to do this is to set a schedule, I know this sounds boring and a generic thing to say but it truly does help, an example would be;

Week 1: Draft Speech

Week 2: Draft

Week 3: Finalise

Week 4: Practise

Week 5: Speak

Now this is purely just an example which you don't have to do, You can lay out your schedule as it suits you- this doesn't necessarily need to be scheduled in weeks but it could be dates, days, hours/minutes etc.  This tip will help you to be strict in your studying/speaking and help you maintain a good organising persona. 

- Know your Nervousness

Knowing that you are nervous is better than not admitting to being nervous because then you know how to deal with it and what to do. 

- Breathe

This sounds simple, but I find when I am speaking and I get nervous, taking simple in and out breaths really helps the situation because you are regulating your heartbeat- making yourself calmer.

- Drink Water

Whenever you are about to do something with public speaking, take a water bottle with you because when you get nervous; you sometimes get a dry mouth or start to feel hot or even faint. Water is a great energy source, we humans cannot survive without it. So before you start speaking take a sip of water so that you don't feel dry in the mouth causing you to stumble over words,

- Eat

Make sure you eat something before you speak, if it's late at night or early in the morning, simply have a snack to give you energy (like water) so that you don't feel empty when speaking and then don't start to feel sick.

- Eye Contact

Eye contact is a crucial part of when speaking, it shows that you know what you are talking about with confidence and are willing to include the audience. If you feel like you get nervous when you look people in the eye, look at the end of the room and move your eyes around the room. You can also look at the foreheads of people, or chins, or noses to seem like you are making eye contact.

That is all I have for now, practise these tips and it will improve your manner when public speaking, don't worry- more tips will come soon! I hope I have helped you

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