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Marcus felt weird. He was fully connected to the symbiote, but all faded. It was gone in mere seconds. 

"What just happened?" 

As soon as he said that, the symbiote turned into a shoulder head of sorts. 

"We had fully bonded, but decided not to get into your complicated health sh!t." 


"Yes, and now I am using your flesh as my home." 


"I need a home, and I saw you first." 

"This is too weird." 

"Well get used to it, cuz we're going to be friends for a long time." 

This slightly scared Marcus. 


Shinsuke had the suite fully on. 

"This is awesome!" He yelled. "I gotta show everybody!" 

He then proceeded to run to the door. As soon as he opened it, the suite hid. 

"What the?" Shisuke was about to look for it when- 


"Crap! I'm late for class!" He yelled, running towards his classroom. 


After school, Shisuke decided to test out his new symbiote. He went into an ally of sorts.

"Alright, let's do this!" He yelled "Go web!" 




"Up, up, and away web!" 






"Go, web, go!" 

Nothing. He eventually tried random hand movements, before realizing...

"Oh wait, Spider-Man does t-HIS!" He was launched by the symbiote into a building. 

"Sorry, but it was the only way to stop you from freaking me out!"

"It speaks." 

Brothers SymbioteWhere stories live. Discover now