6. Silhouette of the Sea

Start from the beginning

The dragon was huge, easily ten times the size of the others and was painted in the same variety of blue shades as the dragon she'd met earlier. However, size wasn't the only difference between this dragon and the one from before; the massive dragon had small sparks surrounding it, almost like tiny bolts of lightning. Eve couldn't see the dragon very well from how far away it was, but she knew that there was something more to this dragon than meets the eye. The smaller dragons around it were following it without question and flew in the same direction. Was it some sort of leader?

The dragon screeched again and flew towards another tall wall with some large caves in it. Eve leaned over and tried to see where it was going when suddenly, she felt the edge of the cliff beneath her foot crack. Before she had time to pull her foot away, she felt her ghostly body begin to fall forward. With a gasp, she felt herself begin to slip down the steep wall and into the deep valley below, when suddenly something grabbed her wrist.

Her feet dangled beneath her and towards the edge as Eve looked up to see a silhouette above her, holding onto her wrist and beginning to pull her up. Soon, another figure appeared above her and grabbed her other wrist, the two of them hoisting her up onto the ledge.

Eve felt the dirt against her palms as she finally got up to the ledge, sitting back and taking a deep breath. She dared to spare a glance to the valley below and instantly wished she hadn't, the sight of the deep valley and ragged rocks beneath were enough to make her never want to be near the ledge again. She slowly started scooting away from the edge when a voice snapped her out of it.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A male's voice asked, sounding almost slightly angry.

Eve looked up to see a boy, around her age, with dark green hair and golden armor covered by a deep scarlet cape looking at her. A small gem hung from his ear and his eyes looked at her with an annoyed and skeptical gaze. She subconsciously slid back a little bit.

"Would you knock it off? She's s clearly scared!" Another voice said, as Eve looked to her left and saw a boy, roughly as old as her and the other boy, with purple hair tied back in a long pony-tail and patterned white robes. Eve noticed that both of the boys carried swords, to which she felt a little bit of fear rise in her. Two strange men in this odd place, both of them wielding swords, and they'd pulled her up onto a ledge after she'd nearly fallen off a cliff.

"How do you know she's not another dungeon monster, you idiot?!" The man with green hair yelled.

"Why would a dungeon monster nearly fall off a cliff in their own dungeon?!" The purple haired man bickered. Both of the boys began arguing and pushing each other, to which Eve found some amusement, but she was more worried about how the two of them had been able to see her. Maybe she'd instinctively wanted them to see her when she was falling so she wouldn't tumble down into the valley... Eve thought a moment as the pair continued their fighting.


The voice snapped Eve out of her train of thought as she looked up to see the green haired man looking down at her. He was standing now, and so was the other man, both of them looking at her questioningly. Eve stumbled and stood, taking a slight step back from them.

"I'll ask again, what are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes narrowing as he took a step towards her. Eve responded by taking another step back.

"I... I don't know..." Eve looked to the ground, slightly embarrassed.

"Then who are you?" He questioned.

"My name is Evelyn, but everyone just calls me Eve," She replied, still keeping her eyes to the ground and slowly beginning to take a few more steps backwards.

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