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"How the hell?" Sirius asked Remus once they were downstairs in the living room. Remus took a deep breath, unsure what to do next. Remus could tell Harry was a wolf the moment he opened that door and every hair stood on end, every instinct telling him to protect his kid.

"It was instinct, the moment I saw him, I knew he was one too. The scars- oh my god he must have suffered so much," Remus breathed shakily, moving to a chair to sit down as his husband sat next to him, intertwining their hands. He knew one of Remus' biggest fears was for one of his godsons to be bitten and turned as he was. He knew how painful it was, the way he lost his mind every full moon, tearing apart himself when there was no one beside him.

"There are several questions I have, but to start, what did the muggles do on full moons? He would have torn them apart," Sirius muttered, comforting his husband before it hit Remus like a truck. "A cage," He spoke suddenly, standing and heading back upstairs.

When he opened the door Harry jumped, though he heard him coming, and turned in surprise, crouching in front of his cage. Remus almost broke there at the sight. His godson, who had gone missing for years, was here. A werewolf, being forced into a cage instead of being able to run free, losing his mind each full moon without even an option of wolfsbane.

Sirius, who had trailed behind the man, was shocked to his core. He knew his friends were bad parents, that much was evident with their other son, Daniel, but to think they sent their other child to live with muggles who put him in a damned cage? Anger, more than before, bubbled in his chest but he pushed it down as he watched Remus.

"Harry, you don't need that," Remus explained and Harry looked at him with bewilderment. "But- I'll hurt one of you," Harry hesitated, extremely confused. Again, these men that he had just met were changing so many things that were normal to him, and he didn't have a clue why. Remus sighed and glanced back at Sirius.

"Well, we have this special thing, that'll help you during transformations, so you won't need that," Remus explained carefully. Harry's eyes shone with such hope that Remus could feel his heart break for the boy.


Sirius stood outside of Potter Manor, face blank as anger bubbled inside of him. Remus was staying with Harry, and they were going through their transformations together. Sirius was gonna wait a while before joining in, as they didn't want to overload the boy with too much information after he's only been with them a few days.

"Sirius!" James called happily when he opened the door for the man, his face overjoyed before he saw his friends blank face. His face fell and he silently let his friend in, making sure the living room was clear as they sat down.

"I imagine you know why I'm angry," Sirius began, watching his friend frown but nod. "I just want to let you know how much you fucked up. Harry is a werewolf as you, apparently, knew already. The muggles he lived with locked him in a cage on full moons, and he has so many damned scars because of it."

James frown deepened and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. He could tell Sirius was angry, rightfully, he just didn't know how to justify it.

"We sent him there because we couldn't handle him, we just had to focus on Daniel.." James started and Sirius held up a hand, shaking his head.

"Don't explain, I came to tell you we are no longer associating with you, me nor Remus, and we will be legally changing his name before he enters Hogwarts, here are the papers to do it willingly," Sirius paused, his eyes shining with mischief. "Or, we can go to court over it," he finished, handing over a packet of documents.

James say there, gaping like a fish as he processed everything his friend said. Sirius stood, straightening his clothes- it was only now that James realized he was dressed relatively nice- before apparating in front of his friend with a crack!

James turned red as he gripped the papers, turning over his shoulder to glance in the kitchen where Lily was standing in shock. They never imagined this would happen.

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