"SINCE WHEN!" Amber shouts, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Ok, and this is my cue to go" I whisper to Katie.

"No, I'm coming with then" She clings onto my arm.

"No, stay, enjoy this" I say, trying to detach myself. Although I could of stayed longer, it was already 11 and I'd said I'd be back by then and if I ever wanted to go out again, I knew I had to go back.

"Nooo, I'm coming with you" Katie whines

"Fine, come on then" I say, taking her hand, "Bye guys, I'll see you all soon" I announce into the room, however only a few heard, who all chorused their replies and complaints we were leaving.

"Can I come back to yours" Katie asks, as she drunkly leans on me as we leave the house.

"I don't know, I think you need to go home"

"Noo, I'll call my mum, I promise" she pleads

"Probably best I call her, you're quite drunk K"

"I'm not! and I like the nickname"

"Sure, so shall I call her?"

"I'll call her" Katie insists, pulling out her phone and eventually finding her mum's number, before holding the phone up to her ear and grinning at me. "Hey mum!" She half shouts down the phone as I flinch, scared of what she could say.

"Can I go back to Maisie's"
"Yeah she's home!"
"Yeah I know!"
"I don't know"
"I'm not!"

I carefully take the phone out of Katie's hand as I sense Katie doesn't know what she's saying, "Hi Helen, it's Maisie"

"Oh hi Maisie, it's so good you're home" she replies

"Yeah, it is" I say, "Katie wants to go back to mine, is that ok?"

"Is she drunk?"

"Um, yeah, I don't mind taking her home, if you think that's best"

"No, that's ok, she can go back to yours as long as that's ok with you, and your mum, I can pop round in the morning to pick her up"

"Ok, thank you, I'll let you know when we get home"

"Thank you Maisie, good luck with Katie"

"Thanks" I laugh, as I hang up. "See, look at that, you can come back to mine"

"Yesss" She squeals, "let's go"

We walk, well Katie stumbles, back to my house, and eventually I let us in quietly, unsure of whether mum and Keira would still be up.

As I quickly sit Katie down on the stairs, hushing her as I take her shoes off, I glance over my shoulder, seeing the light still on in the lounge.

I peak my head round the door, Katie following close behind me. I smiled as I took in the room, some sort of series playing from the TV, the room lit with various lamps. Tucked under a few blankets on the sofa, Mum and Keira lay, mum seemingly fast asleep, pretty much on top of Keira, as she gently runs her hands through mum's hair.

Keira turns her head as she hears my presence in the room, smiling at me. "Hi" she whispers

"Hi, I hope you don't mind but Katie's here too" I whisper back, coming more into the room, letting Katie follow.

"Hello Katie, you alright?" I wince as Keira asks the question, scared of the answer.

"You and Lucy are such couple goals" Katie manages to just about whisper. I laugh, slightly surprised from her response.

Maisie 'Baby' BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now