Part 9: The Chase Begins

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"I Know...This island breathes adventure..."

Jolter raised her head to look at you...

You cross your arms and face the ground coming up with a decision...



"Lets go to that island..."

"W-Wait you actually considering going there?!" (Jolter says with sweat dripping down her face)

You smirk...

You reminisce about the times you spent with Kyyu and Hyoco at the island 'SenjakuYashi' where you three spent years as kids growing up...

You decide to share with Jolter...

"Theres this island that i grew up in...I met a few people that inspired me to become a pirate through their stories and teaching me their ways of life...Kyyu and Hyoco were also with me to witness all the great moments at that island..."

"Wait they were also there?"

"Yeah, Its an island for retired pirates who had sailed the seas"

"Wait i also heard that Blackbeard had a similar island that were specifically for pirates"

"He did?"

"Im sure he like runs the island,But an island where both Hyoco and Kyyu grew up with you?"

"(laugh), Yeah...Im thinking of representing them by getting that orb then placing it under 'SenjakuYashi" as a way of thanking them for the person i am today and also a pleasant gift"

Jolter smirked...

"(Huff)... Im not sure they gonna allow a former marine to enter"

"Don't worry about that... Plus you a pirate now"

"(Laugh)... Yeah...But Im still struggling to fight marines with my own hands though"

"You'll get a grip of this sooner or later, trust the process...Also remember, you are my first mate... So whatever i do you stick beside me through thick and thin"

Jolter walked up to you with a tight grin...


You both fist bumped with joy...

Jolter giggled excited for her future as a pirate onward from now...

"Lets go!!!"

You and Jolter wondered where those words came from...

"Luffy!! You Too reckless" (You heard sounds of swords rustling)

You ran to the nose of the ship with Jolter...

You noticed the wind pick up...

You turned around and commanded...

"Hey, Rojin...Raise the sails!!"

"Sure Captain!"

The Ship hovered forward with high speeds...

The waves begin to rise splashing your ship, sprinkling in some droplets as you see the sun shine through creating rainbows through the waters...

You ship steadys and you see land from a distance...

Jolter raises her voice since the crashing of waves were prevailing most sound...

Rivaling The Straw Hat Pirates A (Reader X One Piece) Story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin