Chapter 3

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The Weirdo on Maple Street Part 1

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The Weirdo on Maple Street Part 1

Luna sat in the basement of the black haired kids house watching the trio with raised eyebrows.

They seemed to be competing to see who could ask the most idiotic questions, all three of them speaking over each other.

Luna found the whole thing slightly amusing but Eleven seemed to be freaking out and she really wished they would shut up.

The African American kid asked if Eleven had blood on her shirt and tried to grab her shirt but the black haired kid smacked it away.

"Stop it. You're freaking them out." That almost made Luna laugh. Eleven may be freaked out but she wasn't too worried about three teens.

She didn't think they'd try to hurt her but even if they did she could handle it.

"They're freaking me out."

"I bet they're deaf," the curly haired kid said clapping his hands in front of them. Eleven jumped back while Luna quirked an eyebrow in amusement. "Not deaf."

"Alright, that's enough. Alright they're just scared and cold." The black haired kid seemed to have a tendency to say alright a lot which Luna thought was strange but it was one of those things that people did.

Like saying just or um an unnecessary amount of times. Ally said that people did that because most people were bumbling idiots who couldn't decide what they wanted. Rose would always roll her eyes and say that Ally had flaws too which she would vehemently reject.

The thunder rumbled and Eleven flinched while Luna grinned thinking back to the times Issac would create thunderstorms to scare off the guards.

The black haired kid came back with clothes for them. While Luna could very well easily dry her clothes off herself she couldn't let them find out about her powers so she grabbed a pair and walked towards the bathroom to change.

The boys started shouting and she looked behind her to see Eleven starting to take her shirt off. Luna clenched her fists in anger knowing that it was because of the lab that this girl didn't even understand the basics of privacy.

Luna slipped into the bathroom and changed while the black haired kid explained to Eleven what to do.

She got back out and sat down on the couch listening to the boys conversation.

"This is mental."

"At least she can talk."

"She said no and yes. Your three year old sister says more. And the other one still hasn't said anything."

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