"It hurts, Touya," Shoto's voice quivered, and his usually composed demeanor was shattered by the pain. "I can't... I can't take it."

Touya's heart clenched at the desperation in Shoto's voice. He wished he could do something, anything, to alleviate his brother's suffering. But he was painfully aware of his limitations, especially when it came to Shoto's quirk-induced sickness.

"I'm here, Shoto," Touya said softly, his voice a mixture of empathy and frustration. "I wish I knew how to make it stop. Maybe we should call Dad or someone from the agency..."

Shoto shook his head weakly, still breathing heavily. "No, I... I don't want them to see me like this."

Touya's heart continued to ache as he watched Shoto's distress. He wracked his brain for any possible solution, any way to ease his brother's suffering. Suddenly, a thought struck him – Natsuo. Their older brother had been studying quirk-related illnesses as part of his coursework at school. Maybe he would have some insight into what was happening to Shoto.

"Shoto, listen," Touya began, his voice determined yet gentle. "I know you don't want Dad or anyone from the agency involved, but what about Natsuo? He's been learning about quirk illnesses, and he might have an idea of what's going on."

Shoto's brow furrowed as he considered the suggestion. He was clearly conflicted, wanting to spare Natsuo from the interruption but also desperately needing help. His hand was still pressed against his stomach, and his discomfort was palpable.

"I don't want to ruin Natsuo's vacation with Mom, Dad, and Fuyumi," Shoto murmured, his voice filled with guilt.

Touya placed a reassuring hand on Shoto's shoulder. "I understand, but Shoto, this isn't just about you. Natsuo cares about you. He'd want to know if you're suffering like this. And he might have some way to help, even from a distance."

Shoto hesitated for a moment longer, his internal struggle evident on his face. Finally, he let out a sigh of defeat, realizing that he couldn't bear this pain on his own.

"Alright," Shoto agreed, his voice hoarse. "Call Natsuo."

With a nod, Touya reached for his phone and dialed Natsuo's number. He could feel the tension in the air as the phone rang on the other end. After a few rings, Natsuo's voice came through, sounding slightly surprised.

"Hey, Touya, what's up? Wasn't expecting a call from you."

Touya took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "Natsuo, it's Shoto. He's... he's not doing well. He's been hit with a quirk-induced sickness, some sort of fire-related illness. He's in a lot of pain, and I thought maybe you could help."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by a heavy sigh. "Damn, of course something like this would happen while I'm away. Alright, I'll figure out a way to get back home. Tell Shoto I'm coming."

Relief flooded through Touya as he hung up the phone. "Natsuo's on his way, Shoto. He's coming back to help."

Shoto managed a weak smile, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thanks."

As Shoto mustered a weak smile, the pain suddenly surged through him again, causing him to double over with a sharp intake of breath. He clutched his stomach, his knuckles turning white from the intensity of the agony. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth, determined not to let out a scream.

Touya's panic intensified as he saw Shoto's distress escalate. He felt utterly helpless, knowing there was little he could do to directly alleviate the pain. But he refused to let Shoto endure this alone. Gently, he placed his hand on Shoto's back, trying to offer some form of support.

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