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Angelina's POV

I looked in the mirror and saw an eleven year old girl who was average height with blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and long dirty blond hair. I sighed and walked over to my cat, Ginger. She meowed, and I picked her up and sat on my bed.

When will Mom be home?

My mother was frequently out of the house, and I missed her a lot. I pet Ginger as I waited for her to come home. Ginger curled up in my lap and started to purr. I laughed and hugged her. I love cats.

About half an hour later, there was a knock at the door. I brightened up and joyously ran over to the door. I opened it up, but instead of my mother, I saw... A woman who had long blond hair, sort of like mine. She looked like she was in her eighties. She was wearing a simple black dress. She held her purse tightly and kept looking around nervously, as if someone was going to jump out and attack her.

"Who- Who are you?" I stuttered. Okay, I know, that was a little rude. The woman smiled and said, "I am Elizabeth. And your name is Angelina, yes?" "Yes." I replied. I knew I wasn't supposed to talk to strangers, but this woman seemed harmless and nice.

"Not to be rude, but... Uh, why are you here?" I asked slowly.

The woman's smile disappeared. "I have come to deliver some news."

"What news?" I asked curiously.

"Something dreadful has happened. I'm sorry, child, but... It's not easy to say this."

"Say what???" Now I was really curious.

"Your... Your mother... is dead."

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