History class

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Time for History, gross. Today would be another day the students of Woodburk highschool have to sit through a boring lecture about past events. My name is Carly, I'm the schools head cheerleader and I'm pretty badass. Which would probably explain why I'm doodling in my history book right now instead of taking notes. "Ms. Jacobs, would you like to share to the class what you're writing in your book?" Mrs. Stefan asked as she arched an eyebrow. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's more exciting than anything you have to teach in this class." Luke commented. That's my bestfriend. Our parents began dating when I moved to Woodburk three summers ago and ever since, we've been closer than ever. "Really? Hmm.. Let me ask you a question, Mr. Hemming. Say one of your friends killed themselves... How would you react?" Mrs. Stefan asked. "What kind of screwed up question is that?" I interupted. She just put her hand up and turned back to Luke to wait for his response. "Um.. I dont know. I'd probably be angry. Not just at them but at myself, for not seeing the pain they were feeling and being able to stop it. I'd want answers... Not for nothin but what does this have to do with history?" Luke replied. Mrs. Stefan just picked up a piece of chalk and began to write on the chalkboard. Once she turned to face us, the board read 1965-Suicide on school grounds? "Are you trying to tell us someone killed themself in our school?" I asked. "No. I'm trying to tell you that not everything that has happened in the past, has to be boring. Sometimes it could he interesting if you just give yourself a chance to listen." Mrs. Stefan replied. "Alright. You got our attention. We're listening. What now?" Luke asked. She just smiled like she accomplished something big, which looking at our class, she probably did. "Okay... Fifty years ago, Bradford high was burned down. A few days before the incident, a student who went there allegedly jumped out of the third story window with a rope tied around his neck, the other side tied to a satelite dish. Some people say the reason for the fire was because his friends couldnt go to a school where their friend died and burned it down. Others say people who worked at the school were payed to do it. There are so many rumors about that night. The only reason this has traveled on to us is because staff here were willing to rebuild it if we could use it as an extention onto our school. The people over at Bradford said no, almost too quickly.. But again, this is just one of those points in history where you just dont know the full story, so you gotta take the front page and skip the whole book to get to the last, hoping you can figure out how the story went yourself with all those missing pages.." Mrs. Stefan finished. "How do you even know that kid killed himself? Maybe there's more to the story." I added. "I dont know he killed himself. All I know is a seventeen year old boy died there two days before the school was burned down. I dont think that's a coincedence." She replied. Just then the bell rang, the last bell of the day. I grabbed my books and placed them into my bag as Luke walked out of the class with me. "Do you believe that?" Luke asked me as we stopped at his locker. "I dont think she'd lie about that." I replied. Just then someone came up from behind me and yelled "boo!" In my ear, causing me to jump. "Jeez Jen!" I yelled as I held my chest from the scare she just pulled. She just laughed as she pulled out a pack of cigarrettes and handed them to me. "Thanks." I said as I tossed them in my bag. Every week she got me a pack of cigs for free cause her boyfriend Justin worked at a smoke shop. "Why do you two look so... Consumed?" Jen asked as she stood in front of Luke and I. Luke just closed his locker and turned to her. "I think we should look into what happened at Bradford.." He said with a serious facial expression, so serious it almost scared me. "Bradford? Isnt that a town like... Half an hour from here?" Jen asked. Before Luke could reply I jumped in. "Yes. It is. And no, we arent going there." I said as the three of us began to head out of the building. We all lived pretty close so we always walked home together. "Why do you wanna go there any way?" Jen asked Luke as I pulled a cigarette out and lit it. "Because.. The whole story about what happened there is just... It's never been proven. What happened to that guy, I mean. And it's been fifty years.. I think it'd be cool if our new rep. At this school was "the kids who figured out the story of Bradford high.." Luke replied. I just blew out a puff of my cig and looked at him. "Nah, I'm totally fine with my badass rep. as it is." Jen just laughed. "I have no idea what you two are talking about.. But Luke may be right. This could be adventerous and we could be legendary. That is after you guys explain to me what actually happened at Bradford, of course." Jen said with a small chuckle. I just sighed. "You know what? Fine. We'll go there. But we arent going to an abandoned, burned down building alone. At least not just the three of us. We need more.. Protection. Like a group." I finished. "Yes!" Luke said excitedly as he high fived Jen. "I'll call Justin." Jen said as she pulled out her phone. "I'll call Blake." Luke added. Blake Marley was Luke's best guy friend. He is probably one of the sweetest guys in woodburk, but he is also the strongest. He wrestles for our school and plays football for a leauge. As Luke and Jen were calling them, my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered as I threw my cigarette butt to the floor. "Hey, where are you? We have cheer practice today." My friend Laura said on the other side of the phone. "Shit." I cursed to myself. "Um... I kinda got held up." I said as I turned to Luke and Jen who were still on the phones. "Doing what? You never forget cheer." Laura said with a small laugh. "Well... Luke and I learned about this building in Bradford and--" I began but before I could finish she cut me off. "--Wait.. Bradford...? as in the building that was closed down because a kid committed suicide on the property?" Laura asked, almost a little too knowingly. "Yeah.. But that's not what happened. The building was burned down." I replied. "Uh.. No. Pretty sure it was closed down. That's what my dad told me, he used to go there." Laura finished. I just looked towards Luke who was now looking at me. "She lied.. The building wasnt burned down." I whispered to him. "Um.. Yeah, ok we'll meet at my house, see ya." Luke said quickly to Blake on the phone as he hung up and came over to me. "Who told you that?" He asked. "Laura.. She called, I missed cheer practice." I replied. He just took the phone from me. "Laura, it's Luke. You need to ditch cheer. Come with us. The more people the better and it seems like you could help us." Luke said. "Wait.. You guys are going there?" She asked. "Yeah.. We want to solve the mystery of what happened but we cant do it on our own." He said. "As dangerous as this could be... I'm in. Sounds like fun. When are we going?" Laura asked. "Tonight. Meet at my house. Oh and Jen, Justin, and Blake are going as well." He added. "Sounds cool. I'll be over soon." She said as she hung up. Luke just smiled and handed me my phone. "You like her... Dont you?" I asked as I playfully nudged him. He just blushed but brushed me off as we went back over to Jen who was still being all cutesie with Justin on the phone. "No, you're cuter." Jen said with a girly laugh. "Alright thats enough." I said as I grabbed her phone. "Justin? Are you coming or not?" I asked. "Yeah I'm going. Wherever my girl is, I am." He said. I just rolled my eyes. "Ok. Well "your girl" will be at Luke's so get there by eight so we can leave." I said as I hung up and gave Jen her phone. Looks like we got our group, and we're going to Bradford...

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