Chapter 4

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"What was your role in the colony?" He couldn't tell which of the masked mech had spoken. "What was your role in the colony?" A blue mech straightened and approached. His reply had mechs tensing. "I don't think you should be the one asking questions."

"And why is that?"

"How do I know you don't work with them.? How do I ensure that you didn't send the guardians?"

He felt the glares of the other mechs in the room. The glare from behind him.

"He does have a point." Optics turned to the red racer. To the mechs credit he gaze waver, the visor didn't so much as dim or brighten. "How many of us can say we wouldn't react the same way in his position?" Silence.

"So let me clear this up." The racer moved to stand in front of him. "My designation is Dead End, second in command of the stunticons." They pointed to the black and purple truck. "That's Motormaster, my leader." He kept pointing. "Scrapper, and his second Hook are a part of the constructicons. Onslaught and his second Blast Off of the combaticons. Were sort of rebels I suppose. We cause problems for the senate and steal from the high caste."

Bombshell didn't speak for a moment, processing what he'd been told.

"Bombshell. I was a healer if you must know."

Nobody said anything.

"I'm gonna go check on the others." Bombshell turned to look at Brawl. "You know, if you woke up the others might too."

The mech slowly backed up, opened the door and left.

~~1 night earlier~~

~~On the outskirts of Sulfur~~

Scattorshot groaned when his comm went off. 'Who dares call at midnight. Who dares? What am I? A knight?' He rolled over, opening the message. ::Another insecticon colony was destroyed five days ago. Three survivors. We need to move up the meeting time. In two weeks time all gestalts will meet and allow the combiners to give their input. The other gestalt leaders have received this message.::

He shot up and moved to sit on the edge of his berth. Onslaught hadn't contacted him since the last time they had let combiners themselves out.

He knew that the combaticons lived with the stunticons and constructicons. But otherwise each gestalt had gone their separate ways, only contacting the others when they met up.

An arm wrapped around his waist, Sixshot's helm nuzzled the back of his neck. "It's too early to be stressed love. What was it this time?" He let the tired timber of the six-changers' voice wash over him.

Turning he stared at the larger mech before letting Sixshot drag him into an embrace. "Just an old friend contacting me. Me and others will have to leave in two weeks for a meeting now." He groaned, resting his forearm over his optics when Sixshot pouted. 'Pouted?! The mighty Sixshot pouting while cuddling with him'

Scattorshot chuckled at the thought. And gasped when lips and glossa descended upon his neck. Sixshot rolled on top of him and the night became a blur.

~~Somewhere in Vos~~

Silverbolt stared at his gestalt and Blades. The Heliformer had come to live with Slingshot after they had become Conjunx Endura. "The insecticons must know something if the senate keeps going after them." Skydive spoke.

"I know, I know. But finding out what they know is the issue." "Yea well how are we supposed to get them to tell us?!" Slingshot.

"Relax Slings, if we haven't figured it out in two weeks then surely the combiners can figure it out." Fireflight, forever trying to be the peacekeeper.

"I've already told the other Protectobots. We just have to think." Blades muttered. "We all have something to lose if the senate discovers us."

They all went quiet. So many had died in that war.

"We'll be fine. Even if they find we are still online, we won't go without a fight."  

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