Chapter 8:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Jeff was just lounging around his living room, he was curious as to how Bible and Golf's date went yesterday. He hasn't talked with Bible, he was about to text him when his phone rang. It was Apo.

"Hello?" Jeff answered.

"Ai'Jeff ,did you see the news? "Apo asked.

"What? I don't know what you are talking about" Jeff replied.

"Aish! Look at the link I sent you" Apo said.

Jeff did as he was told and clicked on the link that Apo had messaged him. Once he did, his eyes widen.

ACTOR BIBLE SUMETTIKUL DATING GOLF WEERAYUT. Both were seen going on a date first at a cinema which a source say that Golf had rented for a private screening.

Another source had caught the pair having dinner at Amalico restaurant, which is owned by Golf's uncle. It had been rumored that they had been secretly dating each other, this picture of them kissing.. will it finally end these rumors and consider this romance real?

Jeff scrolled and saw the picture of Golf and Bible happy on their date. Jeff frowned and felt a pang on his chest.

"So?You're his best friend, is Golf dating Bible for real?" Apo asked.

"I don't know" Jeff answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Apo asked, Jeff gritted his teeth.

"I don't know, okay? Stop asking me stupid shit" Jeff yelled.

"Why are you yelling-" Apo started but Jeff just hung up on his and tossed his phone on the couch.

'It's all your fault Jeff! You should've been honest from the beginning. I guess it's too late now'he thought to himself.


Jeff didn't get enough sleep, he kept tossing and turning around his bed. A lot of things were bothering him, it kept his mind pretty preoccupied. He forced himself to get up, checking out the dark circles around his eyes. He showered, got ready and headed towards work. When he got there, everyone was already there, he scanned the room and his eyes locked on Bible. He was smiling from ear to ear just by looking at his phone, Jeff's heart dropped at the thought that the news could be true.

"Jeff, just in time! Come here!" Apo stood up and dragged Jeff in a private room.

"Ai'Apo, what's wrong?"Jeff asked.

"What's wrong? I could ask you the same thing. What happened yesterday? Why were you all prissy when I called you? "Apo asked.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing. I just wasn't feeling that great yesterday" Jeff apologized.

"It's fine. Sometimes my nosiness gets the better of me as well. Haha! With your reaction yesterday, I somehow thought you had feelings for Bible. But that's absurd! Haha" Apo said.

Jeff dare not tell Apo about his newfound feelings for his junior, knowing that Apo can be such a blabbermouth most of the time.

"Haha! Yeah, where'd you get that idea Apo? You are being silly "Jeff said, trying to play it off.

"Yeah, that would be so weird. Well anyway, let's get back "Apo said as he linked his arm around Jeff's and they rejoined the group in the main hall.

Jeff soon headed towards their make-up room where everyone sat at their stations and were awaiting their make-up artists to arrive. Once Jeff got to his station, there was a bag of food in it. He took it, opened it to reveal some chicken congee and mango shake. He looked around and saw Bible looking towards him and motioning for him to eat. Only Bible knew his favorites and the fact that he often skips out on meals .

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